The before so cocksure mayor is suddenly turned on a dime.

Although Ishøj-mayor Ole Bjørstorp (S) to Ekstra Bladet, has maintained that he has a special agreement with the Tax on the use of a municipally-owned VW Golf Sportsvan, sets he now drive in the car outside of normal working hours.

the Danish policy – 23. jan. 2020 – pm. 21:21 Bykonge revealed: taxpayer funded car to home

he writes in a comment on the open Facebook group Our Ishøj.

‘I’m sorry about the case. Since there are now doubts have been raised about the use of a tjenestebil, I have from yesterday, the 23.1.20 stopped the use of tjenestebil outside of normal working hours. The matter will be thoroughly investigated’, writes the mayor.

Earlier Friday reported Ishøj Municipality in a press release that it has sent the case to the Ankestyrelsen to get clarity about the rules.

the Danish policy – 24. jan. 2020 – pm. 12:07 New case on the mayor-sleigh ends at Ankestyrelsen

According to the kommunaldirektør Kåre Svarre Jakobsen is a consequence, that the mayor can no longer run from his private home in the car.

– We have raised the matter over for Ankestyrelsen, which must decide where the limits are, and until then is the recommendation to the mayor that he can only use the car from the town hall. So we shut down for the run home, to the Ankestyrelsen have seen on the matter, he says to Ekstra Bladet.

the Article continues under the picture …

Extra Magazine confronts mayor Ole Bjørnstorp with that car several times have kept parked on his private address. Photo: Anthon Unger

Ole Bjørnstorp explains to Ekstra Bladet, the system stops, because that doubt has been cast on the legality.

He maintains that there has been talk about private purposes, but that he has an agreement, which means that he can use the car from home in the ‘special situations’.

– What could such a special situation be? Can you provide an example?

I can well. It could be that I must meet early in the morning out on the isle of Amager to the KL-ethical board or repræsentantskabsmøde, as it was last time, so hear it is in the rules, where you must have the opportunity to use the car. This is what we have been told, he says.

This agreement is without prejudice to the rules of Economy and the ministry of the Interior has previously clarified for the Extra Magazine:

‘It is the ministry’s view that the drive to and from your own residence, when it takes place in the car without the driver, could not normally be described as professional driving,’ writes the ministry.

the Mayor’s comment appears in a thread on the public Facebook group Our Ishøj, where a number of citizens have commented on the matter.

Several citizens have written, that they have often seen the mayor run private errands in the car, but it refuses the mayor.

– I run in our own car derhjemmefra, when I’m acting. And maybe more times than I really should. And it is a Kia, he says.

– So you think that it is the, they have seen you run in?

– Yes, it must be. The other user I damn well will. It would be completely bloody stupid, if I used it for it, he says.

the Case has already led to several of the mayor’s byrådskolleger have asked him to explain for who use the car and what it is used for.

the Danish policy – 24. jan. 2020 – pm. 14:55 Bykonges byrådskollega: – He has a lortesag

however, It does not city-veteran Ole Bjørstorp nervous.

– It is fine. There are several who have asked. We have økonomiudvalgsmøde on Monday, and get all a statement. Written papers out first, and then a statement out of it. I also think it is nice, and it is very easy to give, he says to Ekstra Bladet on Friday.

– So, you perceive it not as criticism from its own ranks?

– No, if it was me sitting there, I would also ask for an explanation. You can’t have such a case running on, there must be full clarity about it, he says.

– Have you considered whether you should pull you ahead of time?

– no, no, No. Of course, I do not do it.

– Places you still up as mayor next year?

Yes, I am counting on as with. But let us now see. I have the mod in it, that is certainly, says Ole Bjørstorp.

Ole Bjørstorps Golf keeps 3. January on his residential street. Photo: Private

7. January hills Ole Bjørstorp the car out of his driveway. Photo: Jonas Olufson

on Saturday the 18. January trills Ole Bjørstorp from his home at a ceremony at the town hall. Photo: Anthon Unger

As the ceremony is over in the late morning running to the mayor’s home again. Here at bilburet at the town hall. Photo: Kenneth Meyer

yesterday morning the 23. January trills Ole Bjørstorp again out of the driveway. Destination: Town Hall. Photo: Anthon Unger