’Ex on the Beach’-the villa’s really big broken heart René Hoffbeck has done something ’stupid’.

It is even yet another stupidity in the series. He has been immortalised the words ’AGAIN’ (re., red) to his old tattoo ’IN FAILED’ (I failed, red.) on his right thigh.

– I made a new, dumb tattoo last Thursday, because I again have failed, says René Hoffbeck to Ekstra Bladet, who meets him for the Reality of Football in Frederiksberg Hallerne.

It was not supposed that the tattoo should be expanded with an addition, but as he could not comply with a bet with his boys, he had to under tatoveringsnålen again.

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A bet was expensive for René Hoffbeck. Photo: Ekstra Bladet

It was while René Hoffbeck was in Greece and made ’Ex on the Beach’, that he has not lived up to his promises to his comrades.

I had promised the guys at home, that I would neither cry, shout ’tablet’ or be in love. And yes, as you can see in the program, so I have not complied with any of the things he says.

I had also been told among other things to the Extra Magazine, I definitely had to have sex in the villa. I did so not. So the tattoo fits in many ways.

René Hoffbeck shows the tattoo ?irinevler escort above. Photo: Ekstra Bladet

He had even warned his mother that he would get to have sex on tv.

– I’m completely sure that I want to have sex in here. It is fun. So can I say to my children when I have children, that the father has had sex on tv. So seems they have enough, I’m awkward, but how is it, said René Hoffbeck, en Ekstra Bladet met him in Greece during the filming in June.

– I have told my mother that she should find herself in, I have sex on tv, he continued.

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Especially the crying and being in love fills a part of the René Hoffbeck in the villa. He is time and again rejected by the participant Tessie Skovly, who does not have the same feelings for him. She further wind him around her little finger, and the advantage of his feelings for his own sake.

Also, since the tablet sends him out of the villa, he breaks out in tears in front of the entire team of participants.

René Hoffbeck is participating in the new season of ‘Ex on the Beach’. Photo: Janus Nielsen

In the ’Ex on the Beach’s third season are unfolding a true drama between René Hoffbeck and Tessie Rooms with plenty of emotion in the clamp. But several months after filming the drama put on the shelf.

– We are 100 percent just friends today, turns René Hoffbeck fixed.

The first part of the tattoo, ’I FAILED’, got René Hoffbeck made in Turkey, as he did not live up to a bet he had put together with his drengevenner.

He had to obtain a so-called ’perfect week’ (perfect week, red.). So he should have sex with a new girl every day for a week.

But he scored exactly zero women. So he had to keep his word and get the tattoo.