Lawyers for a variety of clients in kryptovalutabørsen QuadricaCX has asked the canadian police to dig the body of the chief, Gerald Cotten, up.

It will examine the circumstances behind his death and not least to ensure that he actually has passed away, writes the british newspaper The Guardian.

It is the latest development in the bizarre case, in which about 80,000 customers in kryptobørsen has been locked out of their depots, which in total contains values for about 190 million dollars or over a billion Danish kroner.

the Problem is originated when the founder of QuadricaCX, Gerald Cotten, suddenly died in India in december 2018, during his honeymoon.

According to the CBC operated the company with the so-called hot and cold reservoirs.

Heating depots – or Wallets – are being used for transactions, while the cold stores are used for storage of customer kryptovaluta. It is to protect them against theft or attempts to hack the accounts.

Gerald Cotten had the cold depots on his laptop, but after his death not to have access to.

– The laptop computer, as Gerry used to perform its work, is encrypted and I do not know the code or genopretningsnøglen. Despite thorough searches, I could not find them written down anywhere, said Gerry Cottens wife, Jennifer Robertson, earlier in court, according to The Guardian.

After Gerald Cottens death – and during work to dismantle the company, which is bankrupt – it has come forward that he had made a number of loss-making trades for his clients ‘ money.

It has also emerged that he had spent a considerable amount of money to lead a luxurious lifestyle with his wife in private jets, travels and luxury cars.

The event has gotten investors to raise the suspicion that Gerald Cotten might not be dead.

He is buried in Canada.

QuadricaCX is being investigated both by the canadian authorities and the us federal bureau of investigation, FBI.