The agreement signed on Wednesday by the Socialist Party of Navarre, Geroa Bai and Contigo to form a tripartite government led by María Chivite needs at least the abstention of EH Bildu to go ahead. For this reason, the Abertzale party consulted its membership on Wednesday to decide the direction of its vote in the investiture. The result was announced yesterday: 82.7% of EH Bildu militants in Navarre who participated in the consultation were in favor of the abstention of their deputies from the investiture session of the socialist leader.

The Abertzale formation assessed, after knowing the results, that “a large majority of the Bilkides support the political reading” of the formation which proposes to facilitate the investiture of Chivite through abstention”. Shortly after the results of the vote became known, the parliamentary spokesperson of EH Bildu, Laura Aznal, commented on the “very positive reading” that the leadership of the Abertzale coalition makes of the support given by the militancy to its proposal, since it is understood that “opens a four-year path to continue moving forward”. Despite this, the spokeswoman also assured that “in this legislature we will be more demanding in strengthening public services, expanding rights and advancing Navarra’s self-government”. Aznal confirmed that 61.2% of party members participated in the consultation.

After this decision of the EH Bildu militancy, María Chivite will have the eleven favorable votes of the PSN, the seven of Geroa Bai and the three of Contigo-Zurekin. In addition, the abstention of the nine deputies of EH Bildu will allow the socialist leader to obtain a simple majority in the second vote and will prevail with the twenty votes against UPN, the Popular Party and Vox, which will turn her back as president of the regional government.

Although at first the president of the Parliament of Navarre, Unai Hualde, had planned for the investiture debate to begin on Saturday, it will finally be on Monday. In the afternoon, the first vote will take place, which will fail because an absolute majority is necessary, and 24 hours later, on Tuesday the 15th, Chivite will be invested by a simple majority thanks to the abstention of EH Bildu.

The government agreement reached by the Socialist Party of Navarra, Geroa Bai and Contigo Navarra keeps Uxue Barkos in the second vice-presidency, which he already held during the previous legislature. In addition, the coalition to which the PNB is integrated secures four ministries. Contigo Navarra, for its part, will control the Housing area while Geroa Bai will continue to be responsible for the Agriculture, Livestock and Environment areas.