After more than a year of research can Extra Magazine on Sunday – with the help of several current and former freemasons in detail reveal the rituals logens almost 9000 Danish members of the implement behind its otherwise hermetically closed doors.

the Newspaper has also got access to manuals of thousands of pages, as the brothers must strictly follow to go from apprentices to knights.

– click on the doors above and read more about the three important rituals of the masons must pass through. the ATTENTION: Turn your adblocker off if you want to see everything.

Welcome to the Extra Magazine Special

Extra Magazine Special is a quality stamp. It is a new brand for our very best and most thorough journalism. I think you should read.

In this Special series, we focus on the Danish freemasons.

Poul Madsen, executive editor-in-chief

the Documents and interviews with sources show that absolutely nothing is left to chance. As in a religious sect has masons rules for everything: How to go, where the brothers should sit, and what and when they must say and do something.

the Answers to the latter depends on what rank you have. All under 3. of the total of 11 degrees is thus only a humble apprentices, who have no voice or right to vote under the logens official meetings.

Only when you get further up in the hierarchy, the release of new parts of the story about what the lodge actually is all about. Here discover freemasons, occult elements such as skulls, coffins and skeletons mixed up with it, as the brothers themselves call a religion.

the Head – 16. nov. 2019 – at. 21:57 Bordering on brainwashing

So comprehensive is the only ‘grundbogen’ in the rituals of the masons follows slavishly. There are a number of other manuals, which fill hundreds of pages. Photo: Tariq Mikkel Khan

the Watchdog Detection: Here is the masonic optagelsesritual

Externally, the management of the Danish freemasons, otherwise time and time again maintained that the lodge can be compared to a stamp club. And that there is absolutely no talk of religion. The many papers and interviews with logebrødrene reveals quite a different truth.

Ekstra Bladet has tried in vain to get an interview with the masons, via the press spokesman Peter Duetoft announces that ‘it has been decided that the ddfo (The Danish order of freemasons, ed.) not participating, neither in the one way or the other.

however, It is known that the masons for many years have fought against, that their rituals will be published, as it happens today in Ekstra Bladet. The lodge believes that it takes the magic away from the upcoming brethren, if they know what awaits them.

the Head – 27. oct. 2019 – at. 06:00 The most secret room

– click on the doors above and read more about the three important rituals of the masons must pass through. the ATTENTION: Turn your adblocker off if you want to see everything.