Who does not remember the happy 80’s, where Henrik Krogsgaard experienced swung dirigentstokken at the Danish Melodi Grand Prix?

It was times!

It was then to actually be able to hear the orchestra play and musikkonkurrencen had plenty of nerve.

According to the DR there to see the last about 20 years have not been the shadow of the live music in the Grand Prix’s. A band played in the background, while only the song has been sung live.

But now there are new buns on the soup. The DR has hired The Antonelli Orchestra to play, when 7. march is the Danish Melodi Grand Prix in the Royal Arena.

The Antonelli Orchestra is especially known from TV2 programmes ‘dancing with the stars’ and ‘Top of the pops’. Photo: Mogens Flindt
As if that wasn’t enough, get Claes Antonsens orchestra, which is known from ‘dancing with the stars’, the company of strings from the DR symphony Orchestra.

– I am very happy and proud that we have been given this task. DR was out for someone who could give warmth and joy in the show and be with to create the love for the music. It is what we have done over the last several years in the ‘dancing with the stars’ and ‘Top of the pops’. If they believe that The Antonelli Orchestra is a leading exponent of it, one can only be proud, says Claes Antonsen to Ekstra Bladet.

He says that he just had to have a bit of time for reflection, before he thanked yes the job.

– We can’t promise such a task alone in the orchestra, but when I heard who is or should be with, so I thought that it sounded like a really cool team, says the drumming bandleader.

Henrik Krogsgaard in company with Birthe Kjær, Keld Heick and Søren Bundgaard. Photo: Kim Agersten/Ritzau Scanpix
Claes Antonsen rejects, that one is going to see him in a bow-tie and crisp shirt for Grand Prix’s, as you remember Henrik Krogsgaard.

I have so much respect for him, but I have my own style. I control the orchestra behind the drums, where he stood, and he directed, he says.

as Spokesperson and senior editor for the Danish Melodi Grand Prix, Gustav Lützhøft, welcomes livemusikken at this year’s big music festival.

– Dansk Melodi Grand Prix is an institution and a celebration. We would like to stick to. But we will put more emphasis on the celebration of the sangskrivningskunsten and the music. So right now work hard, we want to unite the elements, says Gustav Lützhøft to Ekstra Bladet.

He says that the live-orchestra harmonizes really well with the music and the songs must be even more in focus in the Grand Prix’s.

– The with again to have live music is an innovation, which we very much look forward to. It will clarify that the music will be in the centre, he says.

To live the music now is back in the Dansk Melodi Grand Prix is not the only change in this year internally.

See also: DR change the Melody Grand Prix

The ten artists that will compete at this year’s Melodi Grand Prix, has not yet been found, but from Monday, 20. January kicks off the semifinals started, where nine artists compete for a number of finalepladser. The nine song will be chosen with help from the listeners in the DR’s nine districts. Three of them have a seat at the Grand Prix’s.