A broad majority in the Danish Parliament reached an agreement on a tobakshandleplan.

S-the government has, together with The Radicals, SF, Enhedslisten, the Alternative, the liberals and The Conservatives signed the agreement, which aims to ensure a smoke-free generation by 2030.

the Agreement will be presented on Wednesday morning by health and ældreminister Magnus Heunicke (S) at a doorstep in the Health and Ældreministeriet.

– Every day there are 40 children and young people who start smoking.

– It is the largest folkedræber, and therefore it is essential that we now have made a broad agreement that sets in, so fewer young people start smoking, he says.

See also: Here it is soon the end of to smoke in working time

New Civil, Liberal Alliance and the Danish people’s Party is not in the agreement.

In the blueprint is aftalepartierne among other things, agreed that there must be non-school hours for pupils in all primary schools, boarding schools and secondary schools, who have a record of the children and young people under the age of 18 years.

today, there is ban on smoking at the land register in upper secondary education, but the ban comes in the future to include for example, vocational schools and FGU institutions (preparatory basic education, red.).

Furthermore, we must introduce standardised packaging for all tobacco products and e-cigarettes, and all tobacco products, e-cigarettes and nicotine products must be hidden at all points of sale.

See also: Municipality prohibits smoking in all public areas

Except in the physical shops, that specializes in the sale of cigars, pipes, pipe tobacco and e-cigarettes.

All the other taste than tobacco, being banned in e-cigarettes. Menthol has been used as condiment in a transitional period, but from 20. may next year is also this taste public, it is evident from the text of the agreement.

DF announced on Tuesday that the party withdrew from the negotiations, according to DF-sundhedsordfører Liselott Blixt, precisely because of smagsforbuddet in e-cigarettes.

E-cigarettes available today with different taste, for example fruit, licorice, vanilla, sweets and alcohol. And the taste will be public