Strong tax reductions, the attraction of companies and a more relevant role for the private sector in health and education. These are the cardinal points that will guide the action of the future “reformist and centered” coalition Government of Jorge Azcón, together with Vox, in Aragon, as defined yesterday by the popular leader during his inauguration speech in Zaragoza

But in the act, this alignment with the ultra-right showed fissures. Azcón began his parliament by expressing his “pain” and “strongest revulsion” for the latest sexist murders, a condemnation that was applauded by the entire chamber with the exception of ultra deputies. Afterwards, the popular ignored the most controversial points of the agreement signed between the two, such as the repeal of the regional Democratic Memory law or the reform of the trans-autonomous law. “What Azcón didn’t say today we will say tomorrow”, the regional leader of Vox and future vice-president, Alejandro Nolasco, assured the press.

They were much more well-advised in other matters such as finances. Azcón promised a powerful tax reduction – a reduction in the regional portion of the personal income tax, gradual elimination of inheritance tax and raising the minimum exempt from wealth tax to 700,000 euros – and active policies to attract “for all the media” the first microchip factory in Spain. They also agree with their determined commitment to the free choice of educational center for parents, the progressive inclusion of high school in the concert system or deepening public-private collaboration in health matters, “indispensable”, they maintain, to provide services efficiently.

Azcón was very critical of the previous socialist government and announced the creation of a commission of inquiry into the “multiple irregularities” reported regarding the implementation of renewable energies. Nevertheless, the PP candidate concluded his speech by opting for dialogue and offering the PSOE two State pacts: one on health and another on regional financing to prevent pro-independence forces from “trying to pervert it by generating more inequalities and territorial grievances”.