Francina Armengol appeared this Monday at the Koldo case commission that is investigating healthcare material contracts during the pandemic in Congress. And there she has detailed that the purchase of 1.4 million masks during her time as president of the Executive of the Balearic Islands. An operation that the PP has at the epicenter of its strategy to wear down the PSOE because it is currently the third authority in the State by holding the presidency of the Lower House.

During her statement, the president of Congress has admitted that she spoke with the former Minister of Transport, José Luis Ábalos, and other ministers to face the covid crisis and has not ruled out that she could also have spoken with her former advisor Koldo García. Although she has rejected that she “ever” did so to enter into a contract with Management Solutions, the corrupt network company.

“I don’t remember all the communications from 4 years ago, so I don’t rule out that Mr. García was involved in those conversations, but what I can categorically rule out is that he spoke with Mr. García about hiring this company,” Armengol said.

Armengol’s is the first time that a president of Congress appears in a parliamentary investigation commission and at the beginning of her intervention she indicated that a “hoax” had been created and that all the contracts were channeled to those responsible for the Health Service. “that evaluated the convenience of each of the operations.” “I’m not one of those,” he snapped at the PP spokesperson, Elías Bendodo, in response to his attempts to incriminate the former Balearic president.

“The decisions were made by the contracting bodies autonomously and with technical criteria. The proposals (for contracts) were technical, supported by all institutions,” Armengol insisted before specifying that all these details of the files “I have known now, to report with the greatest possible rigor. But never before” (…) “The president of an autonomous government “is not in the contracting of files,” she has insisted.”