As expected, the acting president of the Generalitat, Pere Aragonès, will convene the plenary session for the constitution of the new Parliament on June 10. This was announced this Tuesday by the acting Government spokesperson, Patrícia Plaja, 9 days after the 12-M elections.

The investiture session could come after Sant Joan, and the deadline to call the investiture session will end on June 25. There are 10 business days between the constitution of the chamber and the first investiture vote, according to the Parliament’s regulations. If these deadlines are exhausted, a president should be inaugurated before August 25. Otherwise, the legislature would be exhausted and elections would be called automatically. They would be repeated around October 20.

The candidate for the presidency of the Generalitat will need the support of a minimum of 68 votes in the first vote (absolute majority), and more votes in favor than against (simple majority) in the second.

The Parliament has never had to dissolve automatically after an election because it has not been able to invest any president of the Generalitat, but in December 2020 it was automatically dissolved for the first time in history because no new president was invested after the disqualification of Quim Torra.

That automatic dissolution occurred when nearly three years of the legislature had already passed and led to the calling of the elections on February 14, 2021.

Of the 135 deputies of the new parliament, 42 will be from the PSC, 35 from Junts, 20 from ERC, 15 from the PP, 11 from Vox, 6 from the Commons, 4 from the CUP and 2 from Aliança Catalana.

To access the full exercise of the status of parliamentarians, the proclaimed elected deputies must submit to the Parliament’s registry the following documentation: the credential issued by the Electoral Board; the written promise or oath to respect the Constitution and the Statute; the declaration of professional, labor or business activities and the public positions they hold, and the declaration of assets, which must detail their assets. Deputies can issue this documentation personally or delegate the processing to the staff of the group of which they will be part.

On the other hand, in compliance with the Parliament’s Equality Plan, deputies have to make public whether or not they subscribe to a declaration of commitment to zero tolerance for discrimination and sexual or mobbing. Furthermore, in compliance with the Code of Conduct for Members of the Parliament, deputies also have to submit a declaration of financial interests within two months of the constitution of the chamber.

The parliamentary groups will have to be constituted within a period of eight business days from the day following the constitution of the Parliament, with a letter addressed to the Board that must be signed by all the deputies who want to constitute the group.

Only one group can be formed for each party, federation or electoral coalition. The groups must be made up of a minimum of five deputies, and the formations that have obtained fewer than five are integrated into the mixed group. That is, CUP (4) and Aliança Catalana (2). In the mixed group, parliamentary subgroups can be formed, made up of a minimum of three deputies belonging to the same party, federation or electoral coalition.