With the recent results of the Catalan elections in the background, the Government of Aragon, made up of the PP-Vox coalition, confirmed this Tuesday its intention to file an appeal of unconstitutionality against the Amnesty law after a ruling by the Consultative Council of the community has “clearly and forcefully” endorsed its legitimacy to do so.

According to the second vice president and spokesperson, the popular Mar Vaquero, the deadline to present this appeal is three months from the approval of the norm in Congress and they already have the text “very advanced.” Furthermore, she trusts that other communities will emulate her steps, although she does not know if there are any others that will adopt the same decision. “The more who join, the greater the defense of the unity of the nation,” she said.

As stated, the Aragonese Government has made this decision considering that “the independence process launched by Catalonia and endorsed by the Government of Spain” affects Aragon for various reasons: historical, given that both regions were part of the Crown of Aragon; economic, due to its “intense” commercial relations; social, due to their “clear relationship of coexistence” by neighborhood; and cultural, for sharing the Crown Archive.

“Aragón is going to be a political shield and will pursue through all legal channels any impairment, damage and attacks that occur against this community,” he stressed. Thus, he has warned that his Government will not consent to “any attempt to break up the country” nor will it accept “as normal the favorable treatment of criminals for the marketing of votes in the Congress of Deputies.” .

For his part, the first vice president, Alejandro Nolasco (Vox), has described the report of the Advisory Council as “devastating.” In its 38 pages, it recognizes that the Amnesty law “violates” the principle of the division of powers and represents “an attack” on the Constitution in order to create “a tailored suit” for the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, to get the votes of the investiture.

According to the vice president, the law will benefit “at least” 372 people linked to the “unconstitutional consultation,” and attempts to “erase” the legal consequences derived from “actions contrary to the constitutional configuration of the State.”

In the conclusions of the report, which the ultra has read, it is also recognized that the application of article 155 of the Constitution is what allowed stability in Catalonia, which is why it is considered “incongruous” to appeal to the amnesty to achieve normality of the institutions. “It only responds to the particular interest of the independence parties and their leaders,” he added.