The mayor of Badalona (Barcelonès Nord), Xavier Garcia Albiol, assures that there are City Council officials who “are pulling their noses,” while there are others who must “work for five” to make up for this incompetence. “There are excellent professionals, but others do not deserve the salary they are paid,” he said in an interview on the municipal radio station’s ‘Badalona Matí’ program.

Albiol gives as an example the expiration of some contracts due to the technical managers. The mayor also denounces that there are councilors who must “review and correct” documentation because these workers do not do it well: “You have to look at it,” he insists. Aware of the forcefulness of his statements, Albiol warns that he is “completely indifferent” if this generates any controversy: “It is the truth and things must be explained as they are.”

Albiol made these reflections while explaining that one of the first jobs he has entrusted to the new manager of the City Council is to “bring order” to the administration and put an end to these dysfunctions.

When he took office a year ago, Albiol already pointed out the municipal paralysis as one of his main priorities. A few days ago he appointed Jofre Clofent as the new manager to try to put order in the municipal machinery.