The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Government, José Manuel Albares, has regretted “the hurtful tone” of the former socialist president Felipe González in his criticism against the leader of the Government, Pedro Sánchez. In an interview on RAC1, Albares stated that he does not participate in “that type of making comments.”

Felipe González participated yesterday as a guest on Pablo Motos’ El Hormiguero program, where he took the opportunity to criticize the President of the Government and the policies adopted by the Executive. The former president questioned Sánchez’s letter to the citizens in which he asked for a time of reflection and assured that “that is not leadership.” Furthermore, he added that one cannot disagree with Sánchez within the PSOE, in reference to the party’s sanction to the Secretary General of Aragon, Javier Lambán, for not voting in the Senate in the vote on the amnesty law.

The Foreign Minister today regretted “the hurtful tone” of the former socialist leader and added that “this is from another era.” “Anyone has the right to their opinion,” Albares explained, “what I don’t understand is why there is such a hurtful or hurtful tone to express his opinion.”

Albares has praised González, whom he considers “a great president of the Government and marked an era”, and has explained that, as Sánchez does now, “he made his decisions with the circumstances he had.”

In addition, the Foreign Minister has also commented on the former president’s criticism of the amnesty law that Congress will approve next week. González assured that “we cannot insult intelligence” and criticized that “there has been nothing more than the kneeling of the State in front of a man who escaped from justice.”

Albares has defended the Government’s position and maintained that “anyone who looks at Catalonia understands that it is frankly better than a few years ago.” In this way, he has rejected that he is “in danger.”