It has been speculated about the different solutions for the two problems of the Barcelona airport that require the best tear-off device: a) Having the ability to fly far through having a runway of 3,500 meters long TORA, taxiing section available, for the take-off of large planes on intercontinental routes, and b) Reduce congestion at Barcelona airport. What matters is not the solution chosen to solve this or that problem, but the set of solutions that are proposed, which must be harmonious with each other.

Among the proposals being discussed, there are the alternatives, with variants, proposed by Aena: they increase Barcelona’s capacity, with more passengers and more terminals, paradoxically not with more runways, just the opposite of what needs to be done according to our criterion and the previous objectives.

Aena’s proposal is based on three points: increase passenger capacity in Barcelona and, with limitations, intercontinental flights; build a new terminal, satellite terminal, to bring the airport’s capacity to 70 million passengers and connect it with T1 through an underground train, and extend the paved runway from 2,600 meters to 3,000 meters . This extension may certainly have a moderate impact on protected areas for birds in El Prat, but it cuts the wings of our airport to

There is an absolute inconsistency in this proposal because it increases the capacity of the terminals from 50 million passengers to 70 million and does not increase the capacity of the runways, although it is well known that to avoid congestion it is necessary to act in both areas , runways and terminals. It certainly suits Aena, because it owns Madrid’s air hub, but this is definitely against Barcelona’s interests. Aena confuses its company interests with the air communication interests of Barcelona and Catalonia, and hides it in less environmental impact.

The alternative proposal proposes not to increase passenger capacity in Barcelona, ??but to increase the capacity of intercontinental flights. Part of the short and medium distance flights (without connection) would go to Girona and Reus.

This would allow the construction of a manned runway 10 meters above the sea 3,500 meters long in available taxiway, transparent to the swell and currents, as well as using Terminal 2 for intercontinental flights, today wasted and partially used. The location is ideal, it is at the end of the airport and therefore avoids transporting the goods to and from the plane through the interior of the airport. The distance to the runway over the sea for intercontinental flights is longer, 4 minutes more, but on a 10 or 12 hour flight this transit time is less important. The use of terminal 1 would be as before for short and medium distance flights.

The runway over the sea allows it to be used 24 hours a day, 7 days due to the zero impact of noise on the population around the airport. The current problem of air cargo in Barcelona (today with only 20% of Madrid’s air cargo) and which affects Catalan industry so much, is resolved without limitation.

The current 2,600-metre seaside runway for short and medium-distance flights would remain as it has been. This runway has a short taxi time of 7 minutes from T1, and gives a significant advantage for short-haul flights. T1 and T2 would connect with a driverless train. In this way, you can check in from any terminal and leave wherever you want without the current hassle of luggage or having to take the bus.

To relieve congestion in Barcelona, ??which would remain at 50 million passengers, 10 million passengers would be transferred to Girona and Reus. The project will take at least three to five years to enter service and, therefore, there is time to promote and encourage the transfer to Girona and Reus of flights without an intercontinental connection to Barcelona. This, apart from decongesting Barcelona, ??would be an advantage for the territory, Girona and Reus, who would receive passage through their areas of interest, tourism, etc., preventing it from traveling unnecessarily through Barcelona.

The cost of the runway over the sea 1,000 meters from the coast is 1,500 million euros and the recovery of terminal 2 and the monorail connecting to T1, 200 million. Total, 1,700 million euros.

As conclusions we can say that the alternative solution we propose is better for the country than the current one and the one proposed by Aena because it allows intercontinental flights and air cargo to operate without limitations; it has a positive impact for marine flora and fauna and zero for nesting birds; does not increase air pollution compared to the current solution by limiting the number of flights operated from Barcelona; it does not affect the swell or the sea currents; eliminates the impact of noise from neighboring towns and allows operations 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; passenger traffic does not increase in Barcelona, ??which are transferred to Girona and Reus; with a positive impact for the territory, and for Barcelona due to less traffic; it makes better use of the current facilities of T2 and connection with T1, and has a cost equal to that of Aena, 1,700 million euros .