Saudi Arabia’s oil production before the end of september to be back on the same level as before the weekend’s attack on two of the country’s oil facilities.
It said the saudi energy minister, prince Abdulaziz bin Salman, at a press conference on Tuesday.
He also indicated that Saudi Arabia has restored the normal dagsforsyning of the oil by drawing on its stocks.
After the announcement dropped the price of oil by about six percent on the råvarebørsen in New York.
the Price of a barrel of North sea oil for delivery in november fell by less than 4.50 to 64,55 dollar.
Saturday was the two major oil facility in Saudi Arabia subjected to an attack with the drones. The attacks have more than halved the country’s oil production and reduced the world’s daily supply by nearly six percent.
It triggered on Monday an increase in the price of crude oil at about 15 percent.