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the Brothel ‘The Babylon’ in Hamburg formed the framework for the arrest of one of the men, who are charged with participating in a spectacular escape. It confirms the German state prosecutor to Ekstra Bladet.

the Arrest in Hamburg came on the night of Thursday 21. november, where the German police were called in after two groups had ended in a scuffle at the brothel.

Mentioned the escape happened on Tuesday 19 november. Here stack Hemin Dilshad Saleh, while he was imprisoned in the surrogate at the psychiatric department in Esbjerg. He received a visit from a person who supposedly brought the cake to the coffee.
112 – 20. nov. 2019 – at. 12:08 the Prison gang-boss was hospitalized: Nurses got guns in the neck
But the cake was swapped out with the two guns, which the men threatened the staff with. Fired a shot into the ground in order to underline the seriousness. Then they managed to escape from the hospital.

Kim Kliver, inspector in south Zealand and Lolland-Falster Police, confirms that the man arrested is accused of having helped the NPV’s gang leader 24-year-old Hemin Dilshad Saleh to escape from the psychiatric department.

the Article continues after the image …

How to look bandelederen Hemin Dilshad Saleh words out. Photo: Police
112 – 21. nov. 2019 – at. 13:07 New arrest for armed escape
Was arrested at the brothel
According to reports from a witness who was present in the bordellets lobby, Extra Magazine tell how the scene that led to the arrest took place that evening.

They were a group of about five English speaking men. One of them had been angry, that he had not had enough time with one of the girls. He says some nasty things to her, telling the witness, who wishes to remain anonymous.

the Witness was even in the midst of the two groups, as it develops into a violent incident.

– A second group of men being violently provoked. They end up with to ambush one of them, who gets knocked in the head and falls to the ground. Suddenly, two from the Danish group threatening forward, and one of them pulls a knife, tells the witness, who rushed away from the scene, which lasted less than five minutes.

Then came four police cars running to the site, reports the witness, whose identity has Extra Leaf familiar.

the Witness describes the man arrested with the knife as a young, muscular, around 165-175 cm, with kortklippet dark hair.

the Man was after befrielsesaktionen internationally wanted. He was on the same day as the arrest made in the grundlovsforhør in absentia by the Court in Næstved, denmark. He was not even present, as he sits in custody at fængselsøen Hahnöfersand, Germany.

Before he can be handed out, the German public prosecutor’s office to assess whether that can be brought against the man, write the Extra Leaf.

in addition to the arrested in Hamburg are four other accused in the case has been arrested. Most recently, two men were arrested in Barcelona.
112 – 8. dec. 2019 – at. 12:21 Two arrested abroad after the dramatic escape