There has been introduced the video surveillance at The Hospital.

It happens as a consequence of a case of Nykøbing Falster, where a nurse tried to beat the patients to death with strong medicine.

It writes Politiken.

Specifically, management has set a camera up in the medical department at the akutafdelingen in Hillerød in order to avoid that something similar could happen again, writes the newspaper.

According to the hospital’s management based measure not of a concrete suspicion.

– It is the nurses ‘ fault that we have done it, says leading head nurse Britt Holmgaard to Politiken.

The now-convicted nurse in the case of the island of Falster is serving today a 12-year prison term. She is convicted for a series of attempted murder, which she committed with that particular medication from medicinrummet at the local hospital.

See also: Christina Hansen was convicted of four attempted murder: Here is the sentence

See also: Got 12 years in prison for four attempted murder: Now is the judgment declined over christina’s head

With overvågningskameraet see the hospital now in a position to eliminate any undue suspicion against the nurses. Also when it comes to allegations of theft of medication, which is a known phenomenon in the country’s hospitals.

the Danish Sygeplejeråd is, however, critical of the solution. The council do not know of similar actions brought about by the case of Nykøbing Falster.

– the Goal is not in relation to the product, says Danish Sygeplejeråds vice-president, Anni Pilgaard.

– I think that with a camera now mistænkeliggør a whole group because of something a single person who was sick and would make the patients hurt have done, she says to Politiken.

It rejects Britt Holmgaard. She says that there is a general mistrust against the department’s nurses. On the contrary, she says to the newspaper.

– This is to ensure all those who could not find to do something wrong, says Britt Holmgaard.

the director of Patient safety has not wanted to put up for interview on the measure.

But the agency writes in a response to Politiken that the control of medicinbeholdning is important for patient safety.

– But it is up to the regions themselves to choose which method they use, it sounds in the answer from the Danish Agency for Patient safety.