The concern about the level of knowledge of the teaching staff continues. Not only do a good number of students aspiring to study Teaching fail the aptitude tests, but the last examinations with “more favorable” teachers fail a third of the total.

The marks of the extraordinary opposition competition were announced yesterday. A third of those who appeared, about 9,000, did not approve a basic syllabus and the defense of a didactic unit despite the fact that the Generalitat had called them in a special way to stabilize the highest possible number of public places (at the end from 2024 it must have less than 8% of temporary staff, and now it has 34%).

In the extraordinary competition, 26,543 people presented themselves and were evaluated, mainly teachers who work in the public or contracted sector, as teachers or as secondary school teachers. Most are temporary. Of those assessed, 8,955 failed and 17,588 passed the test (66.2%), after the examination review period after which a thousand people entered.

Sources of Education downplayed the importance of failures, which are already common in ordinary competitions. In fact, in these the number of passers drops to 50%. On the other hand, 66.2% “is higher because the conditions are more favorable”, they added. They attribute the suspensions to the bad “lottery” of unprepared subjects, to the lack of time to prepare or to having had “a bad day”. For this reason, Education is in favor of another type of tests (these are regulated by a framework established by the Spanish Government) that assess teaching skills.

However, they also admit the existence of inadmissible basic errors on the part of aspiring teachers. In any case, the candidates have the teaching requirements (for the kindergarten and primary stages) or are graduates in some specialty and have a master’s degree in secondary education. It is not ruled out, however, that these teachers do not lack knowledge of their subject, but that they teach one specialty at their center and now present themselves to another.

The teacher exam consisted of two phases. The development of a topic, among five possible ones, and the presentation of a learning situation that required an oral defense. Most proposals are taught in class at school or high school, with the exception of some topics.

Court sources consulted by this newspaper claim that they have been “generous” with the corrections, but that they have encountered exams that are very loose in content, with spelling mistakes and with the defense of didactic units copied directly from the examples he gives the department’s website.

By stages, 67% of kindergarten and primary teachers, 66% of ESO, 75% of FP and only half of teachers of plastic arts workshops and teachers of the Official School have passed. Languages.

The ministry will meet with the unions today to assess the results and agree on the resolution of vacancies.

The 17,588 approved yesterday will not directly occupy the 14,238 places offered. The department has informed that there will be places that will remain vacant due to a lack of approved candidates and others, on the other hand, have more approved candidates than offered places.

The stabilization process is a “major challenge”, according to Education, which is divided into several competitions. For merit, 13,000 places have been stabilized and for this, 14,200 more. Next summer, ordinary competitions will be held with the remaining vacancies from this process, together with thousands of other places to stabilize the recent increase in staff.