The golden era of Twitch could be over. At least that’s what it seems like after Amazon is planning to cut 35% of its staff, about 500 workers, in 2024. This was announced by the Bloomberg agency a few days ago and everything indicates that the proposal will be fulfilled.

In 2023 alone, Twitch made cuts and fired 400 employees, making it clear that the idea is to reduce the staff of the purple platform as much as possible, the most popular and influential of all on the Internet and which could begin to decline in the coming months.

The main problem with the platform, according to sources close to the company, is that it does not generate benefits for Amazon. In fact, the strategy of increasing advertising is not having an effect and neither is the subscription system, which is why the business is entering a dry dock.

All of this has led to a series of layoffs, resignations and structural changes among Twitch managers to try to find a formula that still eludes the queen purple platform of streaming that experienced the explosion of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020. its peak moment.

Twitch CEO Dan Clancy had long ago expressed the dubious economic viability of the platform and dropped a bombshell rumor that has terrified many streamers: ending the Prime subscription system.

Currently, those who have an Amazon Prime contract can use their account to subscribe to a streamer and receive all the benefits of this, that is, get paid thanks to this integration of the platform. Prime subscriptions represent the vast majority of most streamers and if they ran out it would be a catastrophe for them.

This was stated by Illojuan when sarcastically commenting on this rumor that subscriptions with Amazon Prime had their days numbered: “We should start putting out resumes,” observed the streamer from Malaga, one of the giants of content creation in the Spanish-speaking world.

The numbers do not lie: of the almost 47,000 subscribers that Illojuan currently has and who generate the majority of its income, just over 10% (6,795) are subscribed through the traditional system and not with the Amazon Prime method.

Added to all this is the incredible lifestyle that many streamers have, who have experienced economic abundance for several years thanks to Twitch, and this type of measures could end up coming into action. Proof of this is the well-known streamer elXokas, who has recently acquired a 2 million euro house in Madrid and a food company.

In any case, the threat of Twitch lowering its shutters or greatly reducing its economic concessions may not be the end for these larger streamers: YouTube and Kick are the great streaming alternatives that will enter the scene to take these great figures if the purple platform falters.

What can happen is that many small or medium-sized streamers who do not have any subscription or economic option on Twitch find themselves on the ropes. Therefore, it is important to have adequate training to assess the market and know how to act in it.

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