Tonsillitis consists of inflammation of the palatine tonsils, masses of tissue that we have on each side of the throat. These tissues host cells that produce antibodies that the human body uses to fight infections. Tonsillitis is popularly known as tonsillitis. And the expressions acute tonsillitis and acute pharyngitis are also used. The segment of the population most affected by this ailment is children, especially between the ages of two and eighteen.

In most cases, the cause of tonsillitis is an infection with a virus, but there are also cases where infections are caused by bacteria. Depending on the origin of the infection, the treatment varies. Therefore, it is essential to definitively determine the original cause of tonsillitis.

The symptoms of tonsillitis are easily identifiable and recur in most cases.

– Inflammation of the tonsils

– Fever

– Redness of the tonsils

– Sore throat

– Headache

– Difficulty swallowing food or drinks

– Fatigue

– Rigid collar

Simple tests are usually enough to diagnose the disease.

– Look inside the throat with a medical flashlight to see if there is inflammation.

– Touch the patient’s neck to check for inflammation.

– Use the stethoscope to check breathing.

– Obtain a throat sample (with a cotton swab) to analyze it and find out if there are bacteria from the streptococcus family. If the results of this test confirm the presence of streptococci, it is very likely that the cause of the angina is a bacterial infection. Otherwise, the origin is viral.

– If there are doubts about the cause, it is best to do a blood test and clear up any doubts.

It is essential to know if the cause of tonsillitis is a bacterial or viral infection because the treatment is different. If the cause is a virus, there is no choice but to wait a little more than a week for the symptoms to disappear and a cure to occur. During this period you can only try to relieve the patient and improve their situation. It is advisable to follow some specific guidelines:

– Sleep as much as possible.

– Drink plenty of water and always be hydrated. It also helps to drink hot drinks (broth, water with honey and lemon…)

– Use the humidifier to prevent the environment from being very dry.

– Do steam baths and gargle.

– If there is fever, medications that control it (paracetamol or ibuprofen) should be administered.

If the cause is a bacterial infection, treatment consists of taking antibiotics for about ten days.

Years ago it was common to resort to surgery to remove tonsils. Currently it is not necessary and this technique is only used when tonsillitis of bacterial origin is very common and does not respond correctly to antibiotic treatment.

We can only prevent acute tonsillitis indirectly. Strengthening the immune system and trying not to be exposed to bacteria are the best ways to reduce the risk. Most tonsillitis is caused by bacterial infections passed from person to person. We must avoid being in contact with infected people and take extreme hygiene measures.

– You must wash your hands well after coughing or sneezing and also after going to the bathroom and before eating.

– Always try to sneeze into a tissue.

– Avoid sharing food, drinks and utensils (glasses, cutlery…)

– Change the toothbrush after diagnosis of tonsillitis.

What are viral infections?

What is the common cold or catarrh?