An intense hailstorm in Baix Montseny collapsed this Saturday on the AP-7 and the C-25 for five hours with thousands of drivers trapped. The Catalan Traffic Service has justified the cut for security reasons and to “avoid a multiple accident”. This is how its director, Ramón Lamiel, expressed it in ‘Via lireu’.

Several of the people who were trapped for more than five hours on the AP-7 and C-25 have explained to the RAC1 program the odyssey they experienced due to a sudden hailstorm. This is the case of Míriam Duran, mother of six children, two of them with autism, and Jordi Casagran, a 76-year-old man who was with his wife and daughter.

Míriam explains that they stopped in Llinars from six to ten thirty at night. “There were eight people in the car. Four small children and two teenagers. I have two autistic children, one nine years old and the other 11, who did not understand anything. The only thing they wanted was to get out of the car. They were crying, wanting to vomit , hitting the car and themselves. They also pissed every now and then to be able to get out.”

Míriam also harshly accuses the director of Trànsit, Ramon Lamiel, for his statements on RAC1. “If he were next to him, I would give him the slap that I cannot give to my children,” he stated.

“The hailstorm was at five in the afternoon, it took a long time until the machine came,” he says. Furthermore, he says, there was no ice on the sides or on the road and he questions whether it had to be cut: “They could have left a lane open,” she says.

On the other hand, Jordi Casagran is more understanding, although he also spent five hours trapped in the cut of the AP-7 heading north, towards Girona: “It’s an experience. I give a 10 to the citizens, and very well also the Mossos because we found no signs that anything had happened, but a suspense for whoever is in charge.”

The man assures that people behaved great and also highlights the role that cell phones played: “I listen to Bastè and I agree with what they say about cell phones, but I would have liked them to see that yesterday everyone spent time thanks to the phones.”