In the spring of 2020, the inhabitants of the towns in the bordering regions of Valencia and Teruel had two reasons for deep concern: the evolution of those affected by the covid-19 virus, which forced them to stay in their homes, and the adventures of Pedro Lozano, known as Rambo de Requena, a thief who occupied houses and stole supplies.

Rambo was armed, so he was considered a potentially dangerous criminal. In one of his assaults he even shot a winegrower, although he did so with blank cartridges.

However, once located in the Teruel town of Muniesa, and cornered by two members of the Civil Guard, Lozano shot to kill and seriously injured one of the agents.

The ghost of Igor the Russian, a Serbian gunman who killed a young rancher and two civil guards in 2017, put police authorities on alert. Even more so when Rambo headed to the same town where Igor the Russian committed his crimes: Andorra, the capital of the Sierra de Arcos region. Rambo had to be stopped immediately and every means was put in place to achieve this.

All the rivers of passion flow into the black chronicle: desire, greed, jealousy, anger, hatred, love, greed, ambition… There are no stories only of good guys and bad guys. There are stories full of nuances, half-truths, strengths and weaknesses, innocence and cruelty.

Dossier Negro is a biweekly black chronicle podcast. You can also find its chapters on podcast platforms such as iVoox, Spotify, Apple Podcast or Google Podcasts, among others.