The Princess of Girona Foundation (FPdGi) will celebrate next year the 15th anniversary of its creation with new initiatives that include the expansion of the activities of the so-called Talent Tour that, during the first quarter of 2024, will tour the cities of Lleida, Salamanca, Cádiz, Santander and Madrid, where the awards for the different categories awarded by the entity will be announced.

This Thursday, the FPdGi delegate commission held a meeting with the Kings at the Zarzuela palace where they were informed of the projects for the coming months and the balance of the course that is ending.

‘The Talent Tour’ will start in Lleida (January 22 to 26), where the award in the ‘CreaEmpresa’ category will be announced, and will have its second stop in Salamanca (February 19 to 23) to announce the ‘Art’ ‘.

Cádiz (18 to 22 March) will be where the winner of ‘Social’ will be unveiled; Santander (22 to 26 April), the one for ‘Investigación’ and Madrid (8 to 9 May), the double category of the international award ‘CreaEmpresa’ and ‘Investigación’.

The awards, as on previous occasions, will be presented in a ceremony that will take place, expectedly in the province of Girona, at the beginning of next summer with the attendance of the King and Queen, and Princess Leonor, who will preside over them after she comes of age, and Infanta Sofía.

In addition to the announcement of the awards, in the five cities that the FPdGi will visit, activities will be organized to promote talent among young people, entrepreneurship and training, axes of the Girona-based entity that will commemorate its 15th anniversary next year. Both the King and the Queen will attend the events, in the different cities, in which the names of the winners will be made public in an edition that is internationalized with candidates from other countries, especially Latin America.

One of the novelties of the new tour is that the inauguration of the five events will be the Princess of Girona Congress-Always with young people, which will include conferences, activities, debates and musical performances during one morning to inspire the potential of young people, says the note.

According to data from the FPdGi, ‘The Talent Tour’ had the participation of 20,000 young people in the 250 organized activities last year, a figure similar to that of the 2024 edition.

The Princess of Girona Foundation emerged with the determination to be an aid in all critical aspects of youth development and support to overcome the barriers that young people encounter in their incorporation into society and for the benefit of it. It is an organization with the capacity to provide solutions to youth problems. They help young people in their education and training to search for the job for which they have prepared, or by highlighting the brightest and rewarding the brilliant, presenting them as references for others and forming a community of talent that dialogues with other generations.