Tatiana Diguele Núñez, the 31-year-old woman arrested last Sunday after her son, an eight-month-old baby, was found dead in a garden area of ​​Zaragoza, will be brought to justice this Wednesday morning as the alleged perpetrator of the child’s death. minor, as confirmed by sources from the Aragon Police Headquarters.

The investigation, which is maintained under scrupulous summary secrecy, continues to clarify the causes of the death of the little boy, named Juan Carlos, and determine whether it occurred accidentally or was a homicide. To this end, on Monday morning an autopsy was performed on the body at the Institute of Legal Medicine of Aragon, but its results have not been revealed.

However, the first indications suggest that the fatal outcome could be related to the mental health problems that the mother had been going through for some time, something confirmed by her partner and father of the deceased baby at the same time she reported the disappearance. of both this weekend.

Furthermore, as the newspaper Heraldo de Aragón reported, it is known that the detained woman is pregnant again, although it is unknown for how many months, and that about five years ago she had another child who died at about six months old. That baby was the result of a previous relationship and it was then concluded that she died due to sudden death, although given the current circumstances it is possible that the case will be reviewed.

Meanwhile, little by little new details of the recent event are becoming known. The woman, a native of León, was in a relationship with a man of Romanian nationality, the father of the deceased baby, and they had been living together for some time in the Aragonese capital. On Friday, it was that man who alerted the agents that his partner had been absent with their son, that he was not answering their calls and that it did not bode well given that it seems that she has been quite depressed for some time.

According to Heraldo, the situation he described caused the agents to activate all the alerts and members of the Missing Persons Group to activate quickly to try to locate them alive. To do this, urgent authorizations were requested to be able to control the woman’s mobile phone, know her latest contacts and communications, in addition to monitoring train and bus departures from the stations in the Aragonese capital.

However, his efforts against the clock did not bear fruit and on Sunday there was a tragic outcome with the discovery of the body between some benches and vegetation in the vicinity of the CaixaForum and the arrest of his mother.

If her participation in the child’s death is confirmed, the mother would be charged with at least one crime of homicide with the aggravating factor of kinship, to which child kidnapping could be added. The psychological analysis will be key to determine if she suffers from any type of disorder, which is why she could request the application of extenuating circumstances.

Given what happened, the Madrina Foundation has condemned the death of the baby and demanded measures to protect children in cases of attacks on minors in the couple’s environment for reasons such as “mental health, violence or lack of social support.”

In their statement, they assure that the death of the minor has shocked Spanish society “due to the seriousness of the events” and has highlighted the “urgent need” to implement measures to protect the most vulnerable children.