54% of Catalan men between 16 and 24 years old believe that the feminist movement has gone “too far” and 59% believe that women file false complaints to obtain financial benefits and harm their partners, according to a survey by the Center of Opinion Studies (CEO) of the Generalitat.

The difference in perceptions according to gender is enormous, since only 23% of women between 16 and 24 years old consider that feminism “has gone too far” and 28% of them believe that some complainants lie to “obtain economic benefits.” and hurt their partners.

These differences in perception are also generational since, in the case of men, only among those under 24 years of age is a majority suspicious of the advances of feminism.

In fact, in the over 64 age group, more women think that feminism has gone “too far” (35%) than men (29%).

This Wednesday, the CEO’s director, Jordi Muñoz, presented the results of the survey on the values ​​of Catalan society and detailed the data obtained from a sample in which 7,685 people residing in Catalonia participated.

On a scale from 0 to 10 – where 0 is the perception of maximum inequality towards men and 10, towards women – the Catalan average is 6.4.

The disaggregated data reflects that men perceive less gender inequality the younger they are: those between 16 and 24 years old are at 4.8 and those over 64 years old are at 6.5. On the other hand, in the case of women, all age groups maintain a constant average above 6.7.

84% of Catalans consider themselves quite or very happy; People who are married or in a relationship say they are the happiest, as do those with a higher income and those with higher education.

Regarding satisfaction with life, the values ​​vary slightly depending on their political sympathies: those close to Ciudadanos, PP or Junts are more satisfied with life than those close to Vox and the CUP, who fall a few tenths below the average general satisfaction, located at 7.2 out of 10.

Even so, when asked about aspects of life such as trust in institutions, the only one that manages to exceed 5 is the Police, above the United Nations, all parliaments and, finally, politicians, who obtain the worst rating. (2.6).

Immigration, another of the blocks included in the CEO’s survey, has a positive assessment according to the study data, since the average Catalans value the phenomenon as something that enriches Catalan cultural life and is good for the economy. data that is reduced between the youngest and the oldest, but does not go below 5 out of 10 in any case.

In the block focused on the identity issue, less than half defend that having ancestors or being born in Catalonia is important to be Catalan and, on the other hand, they believe that the feeling of belonging and the language are the most relevant aspects to be truly Catalan. .

Young people between 16 and 24 years old and those over 64 years old are the sectors of the population that feel most proud of being European, above 74%, compared to those between 25 and 34 years old, of whom only 53% % believe this, a difference that is also reflected in the pride of being Catalan, this being the only age group below 70%.