Neither the economic situation, nor the loss of purchasing power, nor the political instability and lack of public offering are an obstacle for FP, without a doubt the big winner of all training offers in 2023.

This has been one of the big headlines that could be heard at the VIII Emagister Professional Conference, where experts and professionals from different fields have analyzed the situation of training this year and for the future.

Vocational Training has become a great option for thousands of people, as shown by the data where, for almost the entire year, vocational training searches exceed those of last year.

However, the most spectacular increase in these results has occurred this September, the most important month in terms of training programs and which has seen a growth of 80% compared to the previous year in searches for FP qualifications.

The field of ‘Health’ and ‘Personal Image’ is in great demand in FP degrees, especially highlighting training in ‘Sociocultural and community services’, demonstrating the prevalence of this sector in mid-level training: In the In recent years, the volume of searches for Hygienist and Nursing represent more than 50% of searches in FP.

The online vocational training offer continues to grow, but it is still far from the predominance of face-to-face Vocational Training, although this difference is especially narrow in mid-level qualifications. As Eva Bermejo, director of customer loyalty at Emagister, highlights, “there is a great opportunity in virtual vocational training, according to the market,” because “in two or three years it will surpass in-person training.”

One of the conclusions of the data collected at the event is that there is a really important concentration of the market, with searches especially accumulating the categories of ‘Healthcare’ and ‘Personal Image’, as we mentioned previously.

The Emagister Professional Conferences this 2023 have brought together more than 600 in-person attendees between Madrid and Barcelona and another 700 via streaming, who have witnessed how for the third year the training offer has been reduced due to the very high concentration of the training courses. greater performance in the face of the significant loss of non-regulated online courses.

In this sense, the distribution of content has remained quite stable in the last 4 years. The supply in the ‘Health’ category continues to grow slightly, while that of ‘Industry’ decreases, something that also occurs in the demand for the courses purchased. Help courses, social-health personnel, design and decorators, real estate agents and security courses have increased significantly this year.

The general trend in training is towards online education, and it is still evident that some courses need to be adapted to this modality. Interest in online training is clearly increasing, which is why Emagister considers it essential to support the transition towards this more efficient training format.

However, the data collected indicates that the only category that increases in 2023 is blended, to the detriment of purely in-person and online, so it will be interesting to see how it evolves in the future.

On the other hand, if 2023 has stood out in anything, it is the great seasonality of training searches, since in September searches have skyrocketed far above previous years, especially in the case of Vocational Training.

The Emagister Professional Conference reserved a space dedicated to artificial intelligence and its future in training, where Javier Juncadella, vice president of Digio, especially highlighted its usefulness in the legal world thanks to the ease with which AI can perform repetitive tasks such as Contract drafting.

In addition, he also highlighted its versatility in calculation and other technical aspects for use in different Engineering, adding its great potential to develop applications aimed at the end user.

One of the most notable data of the day was that provided by Aitor Lacuesta, head of the structural analysis division of the Bank of Spain, who assured that there is a difference of “approximately 50%” in salary between people who have a degree after ESO and those who have only completed secondary school.

In conclusion, one of the most notable points of the event was the importance with which the reputation of the educational centers and the training options found by those interested in choosing courses, degrees and all types of education were considered. For this reason, Ferrán Ferrer, CEO of Emagister, made it very clear in his analysis that we must be careful with negative opinions: “When the consumer distrusts the brand once, they will continue to distrust it the next times they encounter one of its programs. of training,” he said.