Vocational Training in Spain is unstoppable. This type of degree has gotten rid of the stigma of being focused on low-prestige courses and is a great opportunity to start and specialize in professional careers in all areas.

Furthermore, the figures support it: the employment of its graduates will grow in all sectors between now and 2035, as announced in the latest Observatory on vocational training by CaixaBank Dualiza and Orkestra-Basque Institute of Competitiveness.

The study indicates that the future of vocational training is very promising in our country, since 3.8 million jobs that will be generated in Spain in the next decade will be destined for Vocational Training graduates, with an increasing trend of interest.

To this we must add that the new Vocational Training law in Spain integrates the VET educational system and the employment system, making it easier for all students in these cycles to access lifelong training. .

The representation of vocational training graduates in the labor market in Spain will increase from 24% to 26% of professionals by 2035, a prediction that still makes this type of study more important to take into account.

In this sense, the analysis of Luisa Roldán, Diversity and Inclusion Manager at Repsol, is very important: “Dual vocational training is a gateway to the labor market and with quality jobs. The job placement rate stands at 70%,” she observed at the meeting organized by La Vanguardia and CaixaBank Dualiza.

In the same way, the impact of Basic Vocational Training is increasing and will play a key role in this next decade for those people who have dropped out of school and do not have ESO to continue their training and their capacity for social integration. especially with those immigrants without studies.

In the case of Catalonia, the recent General Prospective Report 2023-2026 has highlighted the need to reorient the flow of vocational training students to those courses most in demand by companies and in many cases better paid, such as digitalization, personal care , transportation, chemical industry and maintenance.

And the manufacturing industry will be the sector where the most vocational training graduates arrive in the next decade. Vocational Training graduates will represent almost half (40%) of all workers in this industry.