Hello good morning!

Between today and tomorrow, Sánchez’s investiture debate is held and the relevance given to the security device that precedes him already sums up what is expected: it is time to fasten your seat belts, because curves are coming.

Sánchez faces his investiture debate between today and tomorrow. The forecast is that he will be sworn in as president in the first vote. He counts on the votes. The climate of anger over the amnesty, however, forces Congress to be shielded from protests.

A stable legislature and a government program with a “comprehensive country project” is what the socialist candidate will defend today. The aftershocks are expected. Here is the guide to the plenary session to know who to expect, when, how.

The mobilization against the pacts of the PSOE with the independentists, in fact, continues to spread: the acting Government and the PP take their confrontation to Europe; the judiciary takes to the streets; companies raise their hands; the Senate claims to be in opposition…

The drought forces the plan to transport water by boat to Barcelona to be activated. The metropolitan region will enter a state of emergency in the coming days. Tests are already being carried out to lower the pressure in the network.

Gaza is at a critical moment. War imposes its terror. The Al Shifa hospital, central and without resources, digs mass graves to bury the dead. And although Israel advances along the strip, the end is not intuited.

Kyiv also faces a crossroads, in this case because of the West. The EU is struggling to fulfill its promise to send weapons to Ukraine and Germany is even wondering if the set goal was ever realistic. Russian attacks in Donetsk increase.

That mobility is changing towards electric is a fact. The council of ministers, what’s more, extends the Moves III plan until July for plug-in cars. There’s more: the Government wants to allow driverless vehicles next year.

Timothy Garton Ash, historian and journalist. “We live in a more dangerous world and we Europeans cannot close our eyes.” Read it here.

So much tension due to politics in recent days is well worth a getaway. Lisbon is just around the corner and is often the chosen option. Up to seven of its neighborhoods are featured on the table.

Fasting good? Health studies bring a new surprise every day. The latter indicates that fasting for fourteen hours regulates hunger and improves mood and sleep.

What world. Now that there is so much talk about the new East-West cold war, a new mega-survey jumps over and concludes that everything, in reality, is more complex: the global south admires the US and the EU… but prefers to do business with China.

Ai Futaki, underwater messenger, documentary filmmaker and marine photographer. “I become part of the water, I flow with movement, I am sea.” Read it here.