Good morning!

The Sánchez Government made three decisions yesterday that Feijóo would surely have also signed: entering Telefónica, supporting the judges who refuse to appear before the lawfare commissions and increasing the unemployment benefit, encouraging the long-term unemployed to re-engage in the job. working market. From the point of view of the common good, there are spaces for great agreements.

Telephone. The Government will spend 2,050 million euros to buy 10% of Telefónica and counteract the weight that the Saudi STC fund will have. Spain recovers heritage in a strategic sector for communications and defense.

Employment. The subsidy charged at the end of unemployment benefit will go from 480 to 570 euros. Furthermore, if the beneficiary finds a job, he will be able to collect it for six months along with his salary. In this way, the hiring of long-term unemployed is encouraged.

Justice. The Government agrees with the judges who refuse to appear in parliamentary committees on lawfare. He says they should not account for the sentences they have handed down. This does not prevent Congress from investigating whether they received political pressure.

Merchant traffic. The United States has deployed an aircraft carrier and a destroyer to the Gulf of Aden to ensure navigation through a crucial waterway for the global economy. The large shipping companies have not entered these waters since the Houthis attacked eight merchant ships with drones.

Ukraine. The general staff asks President Zelensky for half a million more soldiers to contain the Russian forces, which are much superior in numbers on the ground. The decision is very difficult. On the one hand, it will be difficult to convince public opinion, frustrated after the failure of the spring offensive, and on the other hand, it will require financial resources that Kyiv does not have.

Iceland. The country is in a state of emergency due to the eruption of a volcano in Grindavík. The gap through which the magma comes out is four kilometers long. The proximity to the capital and the toxicity of the gases are of concern.

Health. Sharp rise in cases of flu, covid and a respiratory virus. Nothing particularly serious, but you have to dress warmly.

Marcos Pereda, journalist. “Sport has been the driving force and mirror of all social and cultural changes.” Read it here.

Barcelona. The Ciutadella park recovers the Martorell museum, the oldest in the city. The restoration represents another step in the strategy of turning the park into a hub of knowledge.

Culture. Four Catalan writers, Neus Canyelles, Lolita Bosh, Laura Gost and Marta Marín-Dòmine, address mourning for a deceased relative in their latest novels.

Real home. Infanta Elena de Borbón turns 60. Aside from her official duties, she works at the Mapfre foundation, she takes care of her father and worries about the media exposure of her children.

Miquel Casas, psychiatrist. “We treat 20% of schoolchildren with problems; Let’s not approve of everyone.” Read it here.

Lluís Amiguet