Hello good morning!

Israel’s DNA, its reason for existing, is to protect a people that was on the brink of extinction. The army and the Government, however, have put eradicating Hamas before saving the hostages. The pressure from family members is so strong that a truce can be achieved that allows them to be saved. The price, in any case, will be very high.

Israel. The EU pressures Israel to accept a Palestinian state, the only viable solution to the war that has caused 25,000 deaths in Gaza. The Netanyahu Government is opposed and is determined to prioritize the destruction of Hamas, but it appears to have proposed a truce that would allow the release of the 134 hostages still in the strip.

USA. Donald Trump has everything in his favor to take more than half of the votes in the New Hampshire primary, which is being held today. Nikki Halley, his only rival, aspires to exceed 30%. If she succeeds, she will be able to hold out a little longer in the race for the Republican nomination to the White House.

India. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, a Hindu ultra-nationalist, yesterday inaugurated a temple on the ruins of a mosque razed in 1992. The elections scheduled for spring require this type of act, which, however, has been boycotted by several Hindu organizations.

Operation Catalunya. The Catalan prosecutor’s office has launched an investigation following the alleged investigations that the Rajoy Government ordered to be carried out on the attorney general. It is the first judicial action that has been taken based on the information that La Vanguardia and eldiario.es have disclosed.

Drought. While the metropolitan area of ​​Barcelona is about to enter an emergency due to lack of water, the Tordera II desalination plant, a star project that should alleviate this problem, encounters numerous political and bureaucratic barriers.

Economy. Real estate investment has fallen by 35% in Spain and 49% in Barcelona due, above all, to high interest rates. It is a decrease in line with the European average. This type of investment has been a stable guarantee for many years.

Society. The Generalitat is preparing a law to facilitate gender self-determination. In case of disagreement with parents, young people between 12 and 16 years old may request a mediator.

Leila Guerrero, journalist. “To cover the screams of torture, ‘If Adelita left with someone else,’ they played.” She read it here.

Events. The triple murder of Morata de Tajuña solved. A man has confessed to the crime. He had lent money to the victims that was not returned. They had incurred a debt of half a million euros with some scammers who had made them fall in love with them over the Internet.

Jihadism. The radicalization of young Muslims through the Internet is not resolved. Yesterday the police arrested a minor who wanted to immolate himself at an institute in Seville.

Soccer. VAR is subjective. It was clear in Madrid’s comeback against Almería, where they accepted a goal from Vinicius with his arm. The Spanish League has a serious problem of referee credibility.

Josep Vidal, medical researcher. “Pricks help correct obesity, but they do not cure it.” Read it here.
