Hello good morning!

Today it’s time to talk especially about Catalonia, again. Congress faces the amnesty law. Europe debates the official status of Catalan. All after new very thick words against Sánchez from the opposition. It sounds like everything has just begun again.

The (controversial) amnesty law is undergoing its first passage through Congress today. The plenary session of the Lower House will debate the rule, which can then be amended and will end up sent to the Senate, which controls the PP. It’s going to be long.

The positions are known and Feijóo will intervene on behalf of the PP to underline the seriousness of the measure. Former Lehendakari Patxi López will do so for the PSOE. All after Vox’s words against Sánchez about “hanging him by his feet.” The forecast: high-voltage debate.

Another of the measures agreed on the way to Sánchez’s investiture is the official status in the EU of Catalan and the rest of the co-official languages. The EU faces it. But the Government, for now, is delaying voting on it in Europe. And Junts is already talking about “scam”…

‘La Vanguardia’ locates in the British national archives the secret report on how Churchill planned to face the war against Spain if Franco entered the conflict on Hitler’s side. Complicity was the key word.

Ukraine receives another punishment. Kyiv’s advance on Kherson, in the south of the country, months ago symbolized Ukrainian strength against the Russian invasion. Now, just as attention on the war evaporates, the river already looks precarious to defend it from the Russians.

What else can be done? Palestine is paralyzed in a general strike to stop the Gaza massacre. It is also supported in Beirut and Amman. It goes unnoticed in Israel. The bombs don’t stop. The dead are around 20,000. The paths to peace are narrowing.

The closing of the great climate summit, COP 28 in Dubai, is scheduled for today. The disagreements predict an intense final negotiation when, for now, the timid “reduction” of the use of fossil energy or “false solutions” is proposed, it is criticized.

Zahara, singer, songwriter and actress. “When will a

Girona’s leadership in the League is already a phenomenon with ramifications in Europe. Also because of how players who did not succeed in Barcelona do so in Girona…

The list of what is worth seeing on the screens is filled again, this time thanks to the selection for the Golden Globes, a good guide to follow. Here Barbie and Oppenheimer stand out again, but also The Bayonne Snow Society, and more.

What happens if at 40, for example, you no longer need a job? How do Spaniards who live on income live? Achieving financial independence at an early age has pros and cons. “If it arrives suddenly it could be a long year,” he explains. (Podcast).

Neil Shubin, paleontologist; discovered the fossil of the first fish that evolved to walk. “We are atoms of the universe that awaken to know each other.” Read it here.