Hello good morning!

Today the Regional Forum of the Union for the Mediterranean meets in Barcelona, ​​the institution designed to bring Israel, Europe and the Arab countries closer together. The war in Gaza prevents progress on key issues such as the climate crisis and immigration. It’s a shame. Dialogue and cooperation must always be a priority. Spain tries it with the amnesty law.

Loop. Israel and Hamas are negotiating to extend the ceasefire that expires today. It is not easy, but if Hamas releases more hostages, Israel will not resume fighting. Trust between enemies is difficult and even more so when the Israeli Prime Minister insists that the truce is temporary and that it will go “to the end”, that is, the eradication of Hamas as a terrorist organization.

Diplomacy. The EU defends that Palestine has the right to self-determination that was signed in 1993 in the Oslo agreements. Josep Borrell believes that “the horror of the Hamas massacre does not justify the horror of the bombs on Gaza.” The Union for the Mediterranean meets today in Barcelona without Israel.

Latin America. Spain has become the preferred destination for Latin American private investments because Miami is too expensive. In the last two years they have shot up 40%. Madrid doubles Barcelona in business projects that are financed with Latin American capital.

Amnesty. Manfred Weber, leader of the European People’s Party, regrets that Sánchez did not accept a coalition government with the PP to address the structural problems of Spanish democracy. He believes that it would have been the ideal solution to overcome the challenge of the ‘procés’.

PSOE. Yesterday Pedro Sánchez took a crowd bath at Ifema. Having just arrived from his tour of the Middle East, he took the stand to reiterate that the amnesty “will leave Spain more united.” Ten thousand people applauded him.

Environment. Cop28, a new edition of the UN summit to combat the climate crisis, kicks off on Thursday in Dubai. The big question is whether the timetable for phasing out fossil fuels is realistic or will have to be extended. The UN affirms that we are moving towards a planet with at least 2.5 degrees more average temperature, when the objective was not to exceed 1.5.

Doñana. The Government and the Government of Andalusia have reached an agreement to preserve the park, one of the most important wetlands in Europe. The details of the pact are not known, but everything indicates that the Board will limit irrigation and that the State will compensate farmers.

Sara Sálamo, actress. “Sexism seriously harms men.” Read it here.

Roman empire. A small museum in Hitchin, a municipality in Hertfordshire, in the United Kingdom, has mounted an exhibition to prove that Elagabalus, one of Rome’s worst emperors, was a transsexual. He lived in the 3rd century.

Motorcycling. Pecco Bagnaia revalidates the title of MotoGP world champion. Jorge Martín, the only driver who could take the scepter from him, fell on the sixth lap of the grand prix that was held yesterday in Cheste, the last of the season.

Opera. Turandot, the ice princess, returns to the Liceu. The great theater recovers Puccini’s opera, a best-seller, which comes with the imprint of Núria Espert and the set designer Ezio Frigerio.

Toya Friedman, therapist and Holocaust survivor. “She was five years old, she didn’t know there was a world outside of Auschwitz.” She read it here.

Ima Sanchís