Hello good morning!

The Rajoy Government fought the Catalan independence movement outside the law. He prepared, for example, false police reports to incriminate Catalan leaders. The damage to institutions was significant and democracy suffered.

Spain. The police leadership prepared false reports to harm the Catalan independence movement. He then leaked them to the press and used them to contaminate various judicial processes. The Minister of the Interior, Fernández Díaz, directed the operation, about which he had President Rajoy very well informed.

Democracy. Spaniards lose confidence in democratic institutions. The latest CIS survey reveals that almost half are ceasing to believe even in political parties. It is a serious setback for the future of democratic quality.

Barcelona. The law does not help fight crime. Despite the fines from the City Council, nine mafias continue to rent tourist apartments illegally. Every month they place half a thousand ads. Another proof of the impunity with which many criminals act is that 25 of them have been arrested 893 times and continue to reoffend.

USA. Today’s starting signal for the presidential race in Iowa. The caucuses will confirm Trump’s clear advantage in obtaining the Republican nomination. Nikki Haley is the one who can worry him the most, but she is far away.

Argentina. The publishing industry, one of the most powerful in Latin America, is about to suffer a serious setback. President Milei’s ultraliberal reform threatens to eliminate the fixed sales price of books. It is a serious threat to the country’s 1,500 bookstores, 70% of which are independent.

Grifols confirms that it will divest from China to contain the debt that has caused so much nervousness in the markets. The operation was already planned, but now it has been necessary to confirm it to stop speculative attacks against the company. Grifols expects to earn 1.6 billion euros with this operation, which will be completed during the first half of this year.

China. The local crisis and global tensions have drastically reduced Spanish investments in China. Last year, as of September, they barely amounted to seven million euros. In 2020 they reached 1,824 million.

Dennis Lehane, writer. “I was lucky: I was born with the right color and the right sex in the right place.” Read it here.

Soccer. Madrid crushes Barça and takes the Spanish Super Cup 4-1. The match was a walk in the park for the white team, who already led 2-0 before the quarter-hour mark. FC Barcelona accentuates its decline.

The league. Girona remains at the top of the standings after drawing 0-0 against Almería. Aware of their limitations, the bottom player locked the door and the people from Girona could not find the key.

Society. Home weddings are making their way. There are more and more couples who prefer to get married in the privacy of their homes. It is much cheaper, you can choose the date without problems and there are more reasons not to invite depending on who.

Juan Turrero, veterinarian. “Horses usually have a better memory than their riders.” Read it here.
