Hello good morning!

Many had almost forgotten that the cruel and bloody Islamic State existed, which cost so many lives to expel from Syria and Iraq, but they have become present again with a massacre in Iran. It couldn’t be a better time for this if what they seek is to further heat up the Middle East if possible.

Deadly comeback. The Islamic State has claimed responsibility for two recent attacks in Iran in which at least 84 people have died. Its return to the foreground only increases pressure in the Middle East, where the risks of a conflict involving several countries are increasingly pressing. Why is the black flag terrorist organization returning to the international stage?

Close war. Iran is precisely one of Israel’s declared enemies, hence its support for the Houthis in the Red Sea who attack ships, supposedly, in support of Hamas. In Gaza, war activity does not cease. But while this is happening, and while Tel Aviv attends to the various fronts it has open, it is preparing what the future administration of the Strip will be like.

Close some wounds. Israel has reinstated its ambassador in Spain, which, like both Madrid and Tel Aviv, shows that the diplomatic crisis is behind us. The Hebrew government has observed “a change for the better” in the Spanish Government’s messages regarding the conflict in the Gaza Strip.

Russia has its arsenals full of weapons, which is allowing it to carry out massive bombings on targets in Ukraine with multiplied intensity. With the military industry in full swing, Moscow is launching all kinds of drones and missiles. In addition, Putin offers a Russian passport to any foreigner who fights with his army in Ukraine.

Homosexual couples are not a type of union that the Vatican wants to establish. After a few weeks ago Pope Francis announced that they could be blessed, always outside the liturgy, dioceses from various parts of the world asked Rome for clarification on the matter. It’s not a go-ahead, they’ve been told.

Young man of limited resources. The salaries of junior workers are 35% below the average for all employees. They have greater training, but a lower demographic weight. They start with that salary disadvantage and take a long time to recover.

The Popular Party has been qualifying its speech on different issues for days. The meeting with Junts in August did not exist, although he later acknowledged that it was a coffee. Something similar happens with the dissolution of parties that are not loyal to the Constitution.

Coke Malla, musician. “There is not always hope, we have to accept it.” Read it here.

Javier Milei was in the right place and hit the right tone when during the hard stage of Covid he addressed certain sectors of Argentine society doubly fed up with both the restrictions and the economic situation. Now he is president of the country.

Danger on the asphalt. 299 motorcyclists lost their lives last year in Spain. Interior Minister Grande-Marlaska summed it up yesterday by saying that the figure was “nonsense.” To begin with, those who have a car license and want to drive a 125cc motorcycle will have to take a course.

Love in Ceaușescu’s time was markedly mediated by a communist dictatorial system with Kafkaesque institutions. The writer Gabriela Adameșteanu portrays a love triangle in Romania in the 70s in the book Provisional Lives of Her.

Pedro Opeka, priest Paul, has built a city on a garbage dump in Madagascar. “I saw hundreds of children fight with pigs for a piece of food.” Read it here.