What to do after ESO or Baccalaureate? To respond to this dilemma and many other doubts associated with the choice of post-compulsory studies, the Saló de l’Ensenyament is expanding this year to 170 academic and professional guidance activities guided by experts. The event focuses on advice proposals aimed at young people to help them in their decision and especially reinforces initiatives to support families.

“Apart from the information provided by the salon, I believe that what provides the greatest value is the individual guidance and advice to resolve doubts and be clear about the options available,” explains Laura Pararols, director of the Saló de l’Ensenyament. It is normal for young people, faced with the great offer and possibilities available, to face their choice with some insecurity. It is necessary to consider the doubts that arise as normal, including changes during the election process, which is why the guidance and individualized attention that we reinforce this year and the support for families so that they have strategies to accompany them in the election are very important. of studies.”

As a complement to the wide range of studies for the 2024-2025 academic year shown by the participating exhibitors, the Saló de l’Ensenyament manages, with the collaboration of D’EP Institut, multiple guidance and individualized counseling activities, which add to the organized by the Department of Education and the Department of Research and Universities of the Generalitat in their stands, as well as those of the educational centers and participating entities.

The orientation services, located in Palace 2 of the Montjuïc campus, have scheduled some 60 talks aimed at students and families on self-knowledge, access routes to training cycles and the university, itineraries in case of not accrediting the ESO, the choice of higher studies, or international mobility. As a novelty, twelve experiential workshops for families called “The Adventure of Choosing” have been added to the agenda. For their part, teachers and other education professionals can participate in the “Capsules update” cycle made up of a dozen conferences. Likewise, more than 80 guided tours of the room are planned by counselors and, in total, it is expected that the personalized attention service with psychologists and psychopedagogues will serve more than 1,200 people.

To prepare for the visit to the classroom, conferences with advice have been held through social networks, information materials have been published for schools and families, and a telephone service and another by WhatsApp have been opened to resolve doubts related to the training offer. , the academic itineraries or the participating exhibitors. This year, the Department of Education expands up to 16 individualized attention points at its stand where educational guidance professionals will advise attendees when choosing post-compulsory studies.

Each person will receive personalized information regarding access to studies, requirements, registration deadlines, knowledge of the educational offer and the decision-making process.

A specific area on inclusive school will also be released. More specifically, the information and awareness space dedicated to inclusive education will be accessible and will incorporate magnetic loops to facilitate communication with people with hearing problems and computers with specific software to facilitate their accessibility. In the Hall there will be a highlighted location map and also assistance personnel with knowledge of sign language. Furthermore, on the 13th, the event will sensory adapt, with fewer sound and light stimuli, the time slot from 5 to 7 p.m. to facilitate the visit of students with autistic condition (ASD) and their families.

The Department of Research and Universities stand will offer information, talks and personalized attention on the access and admission processes at the universities of Catalonia, as well as on the scholarships and aid available for university studies, with special interest in the latest developments in relation to the University Access Tests (PAU).

The stand will have two spaces with specialized staff from the University Access Office (OAU) and the University Grants and Research Management Agency (AGAUR) dedicated to the personalized attention of students and the holding of informative talks of interest to future university students.