Suicide was the first external cause of death in Spain in 2022, with 4,227 deaths for this reason, which represents an increase of 5.6% compared to the previous year.

This is reflected in the death report by cause of death published by the INE, which highlights that suicide remains the first external cause of death in Spain since 2008.

According to the report, between January and June of this year there were 8,444 deaths due to external causes, of which 1,967 were suicides (75.2% men and 24.8% women). In addition, the report highlights other figures, such as 1,811 deaths caused by accidental falls, 1,794 drownings and 760 deaths in traffic accidents.

In the first half of 2023, 3,760 people died from COVID-19, 82.1% less than in the same period of the previous year. 27.1% of deaths in the first half of the year were due to diseases of the circulatory system, 25.8% to tumors and 11.5% to diseases of the respiratory system.

From January to June, 221,462 deaths occurred in Spain, 14,245 fewer than in the same period of the previous year (6.0% less). By sex, 111,247 men died (7.0% less) and 110,215 women died (5.0% less).