The Bett Show is the most important event in Europe in educational technology and an international benchmark for professionals in the sector. More than 600 EdTech companies have presented their innovative products, solutions and services at the Excel Exhibition Center in London, on January 24, 25 and 26.

This year, nearly 30,000 educators, teachers and experts have attended the event to learn about the latest trends that link technology, innovation and education.

All exhibitors present at Bett London focus their activity on contributing to educational development through the creation and use of technological resources. They do it in very diverse ways: from software development applications, e-learning platforms, to content generation and management tools, among others.

Bett London is a benchmark in educational innovation and a global meeting point, which is why companies from all over the world dedicated to the EdTech sector want to be represented at the fair. Spain has had its own stand through ICEX where services and solutions were presented such as Escuela 21, which develops educational transformation projects; SIMO education, representing the most important educational fair in Spain; Noobe, a digital tool that allows personalized learning management or; or Smile and Learn, a platform with interactive activities for children from 3 to 12 years old. Many of the companies are part of the educational innovation hub EduTech Cluster, which also had a presence at the fair.

Some of the leading Spanish companies in the sector also exhibited their products at the event, such as Edpuzzle, an audiovisual content application that turns any video into an interactive class; or Wiris, a tool to create mathematical formulas.

Large international companies stood out, such as Acer for Education, which provides technology to teachers and students in educational centers to promote and promote inclusive and attractive educational experiences. “We firmly believe that technology is a great facilitator in the world of education and when used well it gives you many advantages,” said Oscar Visuña, commercial sales manager of Acer Spain. Visuña assured Junior Report that “education and technology go hand in hand. We cannot do without technology, but it has to be put to good use.”

They also did not miss their appointment at Bett London, Canva for Education, a digital tool that allows teachers and students to design resources, materials and activities for free; or Kahoot!, a platform that allows learning by playing.