The restaurant

This, in the day-to-day life of the establishment, translates into the adoption of measures to reduce water consumption, energy efficiency or waste reduction through the implementation of technological systems and solidarity actions and initiatives to protect the environment, health and safety of the public. In fact, the establishment, located on the seafront of Barceloneta, has made a strong investment in recent years in LED lighting in all its facilities and in sensors for its automatic on and off.

It also uses sensors and tools to control and measure the responsible use of water in its faucet or toilet systems. In the same way, it has sophisticated sound control systems in its musical sessions. Another of its hallmarks as a sustainable establishment is its commitment to kilometer zero restoration, with products collected from its own garden or purchased at neighborhood markets or stores. The use of local products has also been extended to the premises’ furniture, which, in many cases, is custom made by suppliers in the city.

This waste reduction is also visible in the elimination of the use of paper or plastic in signage, which is replaced by digital processes, QR codes or high-resolution LED screens for all types of advertisements or messages within the premises itself. Another of Shôko’s bets is to promote sustainability from a gender perspective. In this sense, its commitment to equality stands out, both in the adoption of internal employment policies with equal workforces, as well as in the activation of action protocols against gender violence in the premises and the close collaboration with the Mossos d’Esquadra. in this matter.

And in matters of security, in all its facets, they also maintain close collaboration with the Urban Police. For the evaluation of the social sustainability of the premises, the continuous training of its employed staff, the dissemination of social awareness campaigns aimed at its public to prevent the abusive consumption of alcohol, respect for neighborhood or public rest have also been highly valued. use of public transport when going out to party. This social commitment also translates into solidarity, since Shôko has collaborated with social entities in Barceloneta in solidarity campaigns, such as collecting toys for Three Kings Day, or with the Fundació Amics de l’Hospital del Mar, among other.

With all this, Shôko has become a benchmark for good practices in the sector. This has been recognized by the National Federation of Leisure and Entertainment Entrepreneurs (Spain at Night), which recently awarded him one of its Recicla la Noche awards. But those responsible for the premises admit that not everything is done. Their objective, out of conviction, is to revalidate this international distinction that they have achieved this year, within the framework of the Barcelona Biosphere Commitment to Tourism Sustainability program, promoted by the City Council in collaboration with the Barcelona Tourism Consortium and the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce. to extend good practices between facilities and companies in the tourism field