The ban on access of electric scooters to all Renfe trains comes into force this Tuesday, as approved on November 27 by the company’s Board of Directors.

This prohibition is based on the dangerous situation generated by battery fires that have been recorded in some public transport due to their handling, damage due to impacts, the passage of time or the use of different chargers.

This prohibition not only refers to electric scooters, but also to unicycles or any other electric or battery-powered personal mobility device, with the exception of vehicles for people with reduced mobility and electric bicycles.

The measure, endorsed by the Board of Directors of Renfe Viajeros, has been adopted based on public health and passenger safety criteria and is similar to others produced in different cities in Spain and Europe.

Seville was the first city, in 2021, to prevent travelers from entering the Metro with their electric scooters during rush hour on weekdays. Last February, Catalonia prohibited both access to vehicles and to the public transport infrastructure (stations, platforms…) after the explosion of a scooter in the Railway service of the Generalitat of Catalonia (FGC) in November 2022.

Likewise, since last November 4, access by electric scooters to public transport facilities and vehicles in the Community of Madrid, whose management is the responsibility of the Regional Transport Consortium, has been prohibited. In other countries, some railway operators in the United Kingdom and Ireland, and the London or Hamburg Metro, have also prohibited the access of electric scooters to their trains.

Once the measure is in force, Renfe may force a traveler to leave the train if they are carrying an object, luggage or vehicle that represents a risk to the safety and proper functioning of the transport operation, or to the safety of other travelers. .

At Cercanías stations managed by Renfe, the ban will be reported if a traveler with an electric scooter is detected, and random inspections may also be carried out with inspectors and security agents.