Advances in research and therapeutic innovations offer a better prognosis and quality of life for cancer patients. However, skin, hair and nails continue to suffer this stage with symptoms of obvious discomfort. This problem is aggravated, as Avène data points out, with the fact that “one in three patients does not feel sufficiently informed about the possible symptoms they may suffer.” This brand specialized in the treatment of the most sensitive skin reminds us that daily and constant skin discomfort “can significantly alter the patient’s quality of life, both physically and psychologically.” To help, it makes available to everyone on its website ( the special section “Your skin during cancer” where the most frequent doubts of patients affected by this condition are resolved, such as correct skin hygiene. the skin or the essential treatments to achieve its necessary hydration.

All this, to counteract the inevitable dryness and other annoying side effects caused by treatments such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy and other targeted therapies.

Continuing with the importance of professional advice as a guide, oncological aesthetics is emerging as an increasingly necessary specialty for people undergoing treatment who continue to want to take care of their well-being. Another of the most expert and respected voices in this field is the Ricardo Fisas de Natura Bissé Foundation (, which for more than a decade has had a large and specialized team of professionals trained in aesthetics. oncology. These beauticians have learned “to care for scars and the different cases that each skin presents, as well as to recommend which products are most suitable, which areas they can treat and what questions to ask the doctor.” They are also specialists “in listening with empathy to generate a space of trust, in which to feel safe, calm and be able to disconnect from the disease,” they explain from this Foundation. It allocates a large part of its resources to the training of its professionals, for which they always have medical advice.

In addition to helping in choosing the most appropriate cosmetics and dermocosmetics for each case, the beauticians trained by the Foundation are prepared to perform oncological massages. There are studies in this regard that corroborate their importance, such as the one carried out by the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK) in New York on 1,290 patients. Their conclusions indicate that oncological massage improves patients’ pain by 48%, anxiety by 42%, fatigue by 59% and depression by 49%. Once again, aesthetics becomes therapy and a source of well-being.