A woman has been imprisoned after being arrested for a crime against public health with aggravated use of minors, since she allegedly used one of her children, a minor, to sell narcotics from her home in Melilla.

As reported by the Police in a note, one of the woman’s children and two other active collaborators have also been arrested within the framework of the so-called Operation Aleixandre, with which an active point of sale of hashish and marijuana has been dismantled.

The investigation began in July of last year when the National Police learned that a drug sales point had been established that was operated from two adjacent houses in the Melilla neighborhood of Ataque Seco, which was creating concern and fear among the neighbors. due to the constant traffic of drug addicts who came to buy their doses.

Furthermore, the alleged perpetrator of the events and the main person under investigation frightened those who reproached her for her illegal activity with threats and, on occasions, causing damage to the private vehicles of those who complained about it.

The Drug and Organized Crime Unit (UDYCO) of the Provincial Judicial Police Brigade identified a woman who sold drugs from her home and who even used a minor son to continue the sale when she was not at home.

After the arrest, the woman, the main person under investigation and who had already been arrested in 2014 and 2018 for the same reason, was placed in provisional detention after being brought to justice.

The exploitation phase of this operation took place on December 29 with the search of the two homes, where the Police seized 1.15 kilograms of hashish, 4.8 grams of marijuana, and 126 tablets of central nervous system depressant drugs. in addition to a precision scale, 7 mobile phones, 335 euros and 1,700 dirhams.