Located in the town of Granollers, just 30 km from Barcelona, ​​Dr. Lluís Castillo’s Advanced Podiatry Clinic is a unique space that has the most cutting-edge technology in the sector to treat all foot pathologies and stands out for its treatment. to the patient totally personalized and based on excellence. Its objective is, through minimally invasive surgery and following the premises of maximum quality, excellence and use of the latest advances, to provide definitive solutions to the different pathologies that occur in the feet such as bunions, claw toes, fasciitis. , spurs and Morton’s neuromas.

In addition to its own operating room, it has a space of more than 200m2 to care for patients with the best comfort and quality of care. At the head of the clinic is Dr. Castillo, an expert and national leader in microsurgery or minimally invasive foot surgery with more than 25 years of experience.

Hallux valgus or bunion, which everyone has heard about, is a bone deformation that develops in the first metatarsal joint. It is estimated that up to 35% of the Spanish population has this ailment in their feet, although the vast majority of cases occur in women, as it is much more common among those who wear high-heeled, closed and narrow shoes every day. However, its appearance also has a clear genetic predisposition. Due to the deformity in the big toe, they cause pain when walking or standing for a long time. Claw toe, for its part, is a deformation of the metatarsophalangeal joint of the foot that occurs when hyperextension is combined with distal flexion of the toe. This creates a claw shape of one or more fingers, which can be very painful on the sole of the foot and dorsal area of ​​the fingers. It is more common in older people and is caused by genetic anatomical alterations; In short, it becomes more common as time goes by.

Currently, advances in medicine have developed surgical techniques for correcting foot deformities, and especially for the two mentioned. These new techniques allow more effective treatments to be applied with fewer side effects and a faster recovery, without discomfort and with fewer complications. Minimally invasive surgery is also the treatment of choice in patients who have already undergone one or more foot surgeries, as well as for diabetic patients, or who take anticoagulants, and who are ultimately not suitable for traditional surgery due to their age or associated diseases, since minimally invasive foot surgery or percutaneous surgery is very non-aggressive but just as effective as traditional surgery. It is also used to correct other finger deformities, such as hallux rigidus, tailor’s bunion, plantar fasciitis, metatarsalgia, heel spurs or Haglund’s deformity, among others.

Other advantages of this minimal non-invasive intervention are that there is no age limit for its performance and that, in the vast majority of cases, patients do not require powerful analgesics during the postoperative period, only, in some cases, pain relievers. occasionally. It should be noted that one of the objectives of these techniques is to improve the postoperative period, minimizing tissue damage, reducing the risk of possible complications, shortening the rehabilitation and recovery process until final discharge, allowing rapid return to work.

Dr. Luis Castillo is aware that foot problems, such as chronic pain, can affect both young people and older people and that is why his goal is to ensure that they can return to their daily lives as soon as possible. To make it possible, he uses local anesthesia, without hospital admission so that the patient can walk out of the medical center. The versatility of the technique means that other ailments in addition to bunions can be solved thanks to it, such as claw toes, the removal of heel spurs or Morton’s Neuroma. With all of them they recognize that the results are very good and that the recovery is faster. The small incision they have to make, only 2 millimeters, means that sutures are not used to close, which reduces the risk of infection and improves tissue healing.

Dr. Lluís Castillo’s Advanced Podiatry Clinic is, according to its manager, in a period of exponential growth, doubling last year’s figures thanks to minimally invasive surgery and ultrasound-guided surgery, which offers patients a series of benefits. :

Outpatient regimen: the patient returns home walking on his own feet at the end of the intervention.

Immediate walking: the placement of special bandages and a specific shoe allows immediate walking.

Without screws or needles: in most cases, placing special bandages is usually enough.

Rapid recovery: incorporation by the patient into their daily activities in a short period of time.

Local anesthesia: the intervention does not require general anesthesia or epidural.

Less pain: treated people feel less postoperative pain as there is less aggression in the tissues.

Less infections: less risk of infections and greater tissue healing.

Less costs: reduction in surgical costs by not requiring hospitalization.

This operation promises to be a before and after for people who have a foot ailment. Treatment includes post-surgical services and laser therapy, which improves healing and inflammation in the treated area. Payment will not be a problem, since the Advanced Podiatry Clinic of Dr. Lluís Castillo allows you to finance the amount in up to 12 months. A perfect opportunity to solve foot problems and check out the good work of this center specialized in minimally invasive foot surgery.