How would you define the educational model of St. Paul’s School?

P.C.: The St. Paul’s project consists of carrying out work focused on the values ​​of commitment, integrity, resilience, excellence and innovation with which to help each student develop their maximum potential at all levels. We are committed to being a school with a firm commitment to the student, their family, the environment and society. The idea is that our model helps us train people with social, environmental, cultural, digital awareness and who have great communication skills. Trilingual students in English, Spanish and Catalan and also with a fluent level in French, who have and value mathematical thinking and who are also creative.

C.N.: The challenge is to seek excellence, to train people capable of facing the challenges of a changing world with a mentality open to knowledge. To do this, first of all, it is essential to seek the personal well-being of each student, because “a worried student is not prepared to learn.” And, secondly, through attention to diversity, reach each one and establish specific areas of dedication to talents, whether in sports, on an intellectual or creative level.

Has the English language always been the axis of the center’s activity?

C.N.: Yes, linguistic learning has been one of the fundamental axes of our activity. Our students not only learn English, but “in English.” With a global approach that takes advantage of the most innovative systems and methodologies. We seek to develop a student profile prepared and open to the world, equipped with the necessary tools to thrive in a hyperconnected future.

Are international experiences the logical evolution of the school’s innovative vocation?

C.N.: For several years we have had exchange and stay programs that offer the possibility of completing part of your studies abroad. Recently, we wanted to give a new boost to these programs with the creation of the International Office, which coordinates with centers in other countries that share the values ​​of St. Paul’s School. Our goal is that each student can enjoy an enriching international experience that provides additional academic and personal growth.

After 55 years, how does the school combine innovation and more conventional education?

P.C.: We are committed to incorporating best practices and a hybrid learning model. We make progressive and balanced use of technologies on a daily basis and combine it with paper work, daily reading and manipulative learning of mathematics without forgetting the importance of experimenting in the field of science.

What are the future challenges of St. Paul’s School?

C.N.: Ours is a unique project, in constant development. We will continue to maintain the essence and philosophy that represents us, and this means continuing to investigate to ensure that St. Paul’s offers the best education project.

What role do families play in the center?

C.N.: They are the driving force behind St Paul’s School. The center was born as an initiative of a group of families who decided to create the best educational project possible for their children in the English language. Your collaboration is essential for the improvement and strengthening of the school year after year.