The Official State Gazette today publishes the dates of the deadlines to request scholarships for post-compulsory, university and non-university studies. They can be requested from March 19 at 9 a.m. to May 10 at 3 p.m., on the website of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training.

With the request, the administration will verify that the stipulated economic conditions are met. The student will be able to incorporate the studies that he is going to take in a second phase, already in September.

The extract of the resolution published on March 13 calling for general scholarships for the 2024-2025 academic year for students pursuing post-compulsory studies.


a) First and second years of high school.

b) Intermediate and higher level Vocational Training Cycles, including technical studies carried out in military centers.

c) Professional artistic teachings.

d) Sports teachings.

e) Higher artistic education.

f) Higher religious studies.

g) Language studies taught in official language schools, including distance learning.

h) Access courses and preparation courses for the vocational training entrance tests and specific training courses for access to intermediate and higher level training cycles taught in public centers and in subsidized private centers.

i) Basic FP Cycles.

university teachings

a) Bachelor’s and master’s degrees

b) Preparation course for access to university for those over 25 years of age.

c) Training complements for accessing or obtaining the master’s degree and complementary credits for obtaining the bachelor’s degree. Doctorate degrees or university-specific degrees are excluded.

Fixed amounts

a) Tuition scholarship for university students. The amount of the tuition scholarship will cover the amount of credits for which the student has enrolled for the first time in the 2024-2025 academic year.

b) Fixed amount linked to the student’s income: 1,700 euros for both university and non-university students.

c) Fixed amount linked to the student’s residence during the school year: 2,500 euros, both for university and non-university students

d) Fixed amount linked to academic excellence: between 50 and 125 euros for both university and non-university students.

e) Basic scholarship for non-university students: 300 euros. In the case of basic vocational training scholarship recipients, the amount will be 350 euros.

f) Additional amounts for scholarship recipients with family domicile in insular Spain, Ceuta and Melilla and for university students with disabilities.

Variable amount

It results from the weighting of the average grade of the student’s record and their family income and whose minimum amount will be 60 euros.

The fixed amounts remain the same as the previous year. The variable part, which depends on the number of applicants and their conditions, will be calculated later.