The accused of the triple homicide in Morata de Tajuña (Madrid) has been transferred to the Teixeiro prison (A Coruña), after killing his cellmate in the Madrid prison of Estremera. The detainee, Dilawer Hussein F. C., had been in module 12 since January 24, known for being the one that groups the most troublesome prisoners, where he lived with the victim, Ángel A. V.

The deceased, a 40-year-old Bulgarian man, was provisionally in Estremera prison for having cruelly mistreated his partner. However, before he had already gone to jail for gender violence, sexual assault, injuries and robberies. Additionally, he had several negative jail reports for bad behavior.

As penitentiary sources have informed the Europa Press agency, the alleged murderer, of Pakistani origin, spent last night in Madrid III Valdemoro, awaiting a new prison destination. However, this afternoon he has been transferred to Galicia, where he will continue serving a conditional prison sentence. Now, this time he will be isolated in a solitary cell, heavily guarded and will only have permission to go out to the yard, which will be limited.

The prison crime occurred at two in the morning on February 15, when Dilawer beat his cellmate to death with a weight, which was later found in the cubicle. In fact, half an hour later, it was the detainee himself who called the agents to confess the crime, but not before taking a shower and covering the body with a blanket.

According to investigators, the alleged murderous object was a 2.5 kilo dumbbell that the coroner confirmed was compatible with the wounds on the body, which had a fracture to the skull and face. Apparently, this piece had been stolen from the prison gym by the victim and its disappearance had already been alerted to the center’s management a month ago.

The Pakistani man told the agents that he had killed him because of frequent arguments he had with the deceased due to his lack of hygiene, coexistence problems and because, according to Dilawar, his cellmate looked at him when he was naked, in his opinion, with homosexual spirit.

He also added that they had a fight the night before. However, prison officials did not report incidents or fights between the two, neither that day nor previous days, since in that case they would have been separated from their cubicles.

What is known is that two hours before the murder, other inmates heard loud bangs in the crime cell, but no screams or arguments. In any case, according to the accused’s version, the victim had tried to hit him before.

In the coming days, Dilawar will undergo a medical examination to evaluate his psychological state and thus rule out any type of mental disorder. However, upon entering prison, a medical and psychological examination was carried out, and no illnesses were detected. However, according to some neighbors of the alleged murderer, he regularly consumed hashish and marijuana.