Last Tuesday, the Council of Ministers approved a Royal Decree aimed at improving access to MEC scholarships, financial aid for the 2024-2025 academic year convened by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training for students, teachers, researchers and educational centers; whose main objective is to support education in Spain and facilitate access to training for people with fewer resources. This measure not only improves access, but also its amount.

For the first time, scholarships and aid increase their maximum income thresholds by 5% and subsidies for renting a primary residence will be excluded from the calculation of assets. In addition, the flexibility of the academic requirements applicable to victims of gender violence will be expanded to those of minor sexual violence.

On the other hand, the disability percentage requirement for students with specific educational support needs will also be lowered from the current 33% to 25%, equivalent to moderate disability.

The 5% increase will affect thresholds 1,2 and 3 of family income in the call for general scholarships. According to the Government, threshold 1 will benefit above all, which is equivalent to the “poverty threshold” and is where the majority of applicants fall.




For non-university education:

For university education:

Aid for students with specific needs for educational support.

The Ministry points out that the deadlines are not yet known, although, they point out, “it is most likely that the general call will open at the end of March.” The information will be confirmed and published on the scholarship portal. The deadline to apply for the general call scholarship for the 2023/24 academic year ended on May 17, 2023.

In addition, they also point out that the submission of applications will be done, as always, through the Ministry’s electronic headquarters.