Spain leads the delay in motherhood in Europe and has the highest age at first birth in the world. The number of births to mothers aged 40 or over has grown by 38% in the last 10 years. This explains why, currently, in our country there are more 40-year-old mothers with newborn babies than 25-year-old mothers. And more mothers who start motherhood between 40 and 45 than between 20 and 25.

The causes are diverse: studies, professional careers, difficulties with emancipation, increased life expectancy… However, the body of a woman who has passed 40 is not the same as when she was 25 (the age of the first pregnancy in 1975). ), so recovery is usually more difficult, especially for our silhouette and our aesthetic well-being.

Not all women recover from pregnancy in the same way. Genetics, skin quality and lifestyles are very important factors. This is what explains why, while some women recover quickly, others find it very difficult. And when diet and exercise are not enough, plastic surgery offers us other avenues for recovery. It is what is known as Mommy Makeover, a set of techniques that treat the different problems that can appear in late motherhood.

The skin and muscles of the abdomen may not retract after months of childbirth, causing a bulging and/or sagging belly that can generate complexes and that does not usually disappear with diet or exercise. HD abdominoplasty allows you to remove excess skin, correct distended muscles and eliminate accumulated fat. If it is also combined with HD liposculpture techniques, the waist and entire trunk are redefined. The result is a flat stomach and a rejuvenated and harmonious contour.

The hormonal and physical changes that come with pregnancy often modify the figure. Lipovaser is an advanced liposuction technique that uses ultrasound to melt fat before it is removed from the body. It allows you to remodel the body contour by eliminating accumulations of fat, redefining the waist, hips, flanks, thighs, abdomen… This procedure is less invasive than traditional liposuction, which helps minimize tissue damage and reduce recovery time. In addition, Vaser liposuction is also effective in treating cellulite and sagging, improving tissue retraction and its quality. At IM CLINIC we combine Lipovaser with other techniques such as Bodytite, a technique that combines advanced liposuction and radiofrequency to eliminate localized fat, improving the appearance and firmness of the skin. We also use lipofilling, which helps relocate part of the eliminated fat in other areas, such as the buttocks, thus achieving a harmonious contour. And Morpheus 8, a non-invasive radiofrequency wave technique to heat subcutaneous tissue and dissolve fat to improve skin texture and reduce cellulite. Performing these techniques together allows you to achieve more precise results, more natural contours and more beautiful, firmer skin.

Pregnancy and age, especially when we are over 40, affect the breasts. When you want to improve your appearance, IM CLINIC offers a global approach combining different techniques to correct sagging, empty breasts and asymmetries. For example, if the problem is that we suffer from an “empty” breast, that is, the upper part does not have enough volume, is less turgid and the skin is lax, but there is no sagging, the use of breast implants is the most advisable. But when the areola is at or below the breast fold, we can say that we have a sagging breast and a mastopexy is required to correct the position of the breast, areola and nipple. If both circumstances occur, the techniques are combined to achieve a younger, more plump, proportionate and natural breast.

Both pregnancy and childbirth can cause changes in the vaginal area, some of them irreversible and that affect the woman, both from a functional and aesthetic point of view. Common discomforts, lack of sexual satisfaction, loss of urine due to exertion, higher incidence of infections, clear discomfort when playing sports… which, in addition, can affect self-esteem.

Among the most common surgeries are labiaplasty, which corrects labia minora that protrude from the vulva and labia majora that are too protruding. It is a very brief surgery that is usually performed on an outpatient basis and with local anesthesia. And the improvement in a woman’s intimate life is very relevant. Vaginal narrowing, which corrects excessive widening or displacement of the cavity, and perineoplasty, which returns elasticity and original function to the perineum when there is destructuring of the muscles that pelvic floor exercises cannot correct, are also common.

According to the WHO, health is not only the lack of disease, but the comprehensive well-being of the person. And this is what the IM CLINIC Proaging Women’s Unit seeks, a holistic solution with specialists ranging from specialized nutrition to pelvic floor physiotherapy, sexuality consulting, treatment of genital disorders, genital regenerative medicine, hormonal treatment, proaging treatments, hair medicine, among a long etcetera. The objective is to care for women globally in the search for comprehensive well-being.