Salle Campus Barcelona, ​​founding member of the Ramon Llull University, has a unique knowledge ecosystem in which technology and humanism go hand in hand to train entrepreneurial professionals, experts in the latest technologies, with skills for a global world and with values ​​to make the world a little better place. “In a planet with great geopolitical, environmental and demographic challenges, forming a critical and socially responsible citizenry is our challenge today for a better society,” says Josep Santos, its general director.

The campus has nearly 6,000 students, where a third are international students of almost one hundred different nationalities. A pioneer in Catalonia in training in the latest technologies, La Salle-URL offers comprehensive education to advance in the digital era, emphasizing skills and abilities based on values, essential for the construction of a more just and sustainable society.

Looking ahead to the 24-25 academic year, La Salle-URL presents a new bachelor’s degree in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, which arrives at a time of full technological revolution in which generative AI shapes a new era of profound changes. Society needs professionals natively trained in AI, capable of understanding its implications and applications. The differential element of the AI ​​program at La Salle-URL is its humanistic approach and ethical responsibility. In addition, it is the first university program in Catalonia that will provide training in artificial intelligence and data science at the same time, two closely linked disciplines.

La Salle Campus Barcelona teaches many other degrees that form key profiles for the advancement of the digital era, such as the degree in Design and Creation of Interactive Products, a program that combines technology and creativity and from which professionals who are in great demand from of the companies.

The degree in Animation

The center also has a long history in Computer Engineering and ICT Engineering in addition to training students in other engineering, the most recent being the degree in Health Engineering.

From the Faculty of Philosophy, one of the four university centers that make up La Salle-URL, a new double degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics and in Philosophy will be taught. In addition, all students on campus share the subject of Thinking and Creativity, a differential and unique subject where the student works together transversally on projects about ethics and responsibility and social impact.

On the other hand, Architecture degrees are articulated from design, culture and technique and have study plans that allow a high degree of customization in the second cycle as well as an international focus. In the Design Studio, a large open space that all Architecture students enjoy, learning is done through real cases.

The three degrees and two double degrees of Business taught at La Salle-URL combine digital technology and business to train collaborative leaders, with an entrepreneurial spirit and a strong social commitment. All programs include study trips that complement the classroom experience and help students develop global competencies and understand their fields in a comprehensive way.