For two years now, the third-year ESO students at La Anunciata School in Zaragoza have been responsible for managing their own media: the newspaper Anunciata Report. This diary written by the school’s students is part of the network of school diaries of the Digital School Magazine (RED) project.

The school accessed this network thanks to the RED-Ita Mental Health Scholarship, an entity that collaborates in this media education initiative. Now, La Anunciata School has renewed the scholarship to be able to continue in the project for another year. The RED Project seeks to awaken interest in current events among young people while teaching them to inform themselves and identify fake news.

Those responsible for Ita Salud Mental, accompanied by the school director, Santiago Julián, visited its facilities in Zaragoza last Thursday, February 29, and met the representatives of the students of the three third-year ESO groups that currently manage the school diary. They were given the diploma accrediting the scholarship and conveyed their excitement at seeing the students publish their own topics and informative content in the Anunciata Report newspaper. At the moment, this year, nine articles have already been published and the development of a podcast has begun.

School writing follows a specific work plan that includes different learning situations. Ruth Pérez, pedagogical coordinator of the center, assures that this “is a very powerful project since a multitude of contents can be worked on.” “It is an authentic learning situation in which students work in groups creating the contents of the school magazine with a totally competency approach, as LOMLOE now marks,” adds the teacher. Pérez also appreciates the involvement of Ita Salud Mental. “This project would be unthinkable to carry out in our school, with the Ita scholarship this is possible,” she concludes.

During the visit of the representatives of Ita Mental Health, the students were able to exchange impressions and suggestions on a topic as important as mental health.

The Digital School Magazine (RED) project offers educational centers the possibility of creating a school newspaper in digital format through which the objective is to work on media education and promote critical thinking among students, based on learning situations. The header is managed by the students of each school, who are the ones who generate their journalistic content.

As editors, students who are part of the RED project have the opportunity to participate in an editorial board, interview personalities and work on different journalistic genres. And all this, taking into account current formats, which range from written articles and reports to the creation of multimedia content, such as videos and podcasts.

The RED project is made up of a hundred centers in Spain, Andorra and Bolivia, which publish content in Catalan, Basque, Spanish, Galician and English. Since the project began in 2018, around 5,000 articles signed by young people have been published.