Junior Report launches a new quarterly educational program aimed at all those educational centers that intend to work on linguistic skills in the classroom through a digital school magazine.

With this quarterly and curricular program, structured in learning situations based on current global issues and the immediate environment, students develop critical thinking and work on transversal skills through experiential experiences.

The initiative, which is part of the Digital School Magazine (RED) project, aims to encourage reading the press among students, bring them closer to current events from reliable media and work on linguistic skills to improve their written and oral expression, as well as digital and social skills, for a more critical and responsible society.

Junior Report’s teaching offer is adapted to each educational cycle with four flexible work plans to work in primary, first and second cycles of secondary school, and high school. Each of them has a specific workload that the center can limit and adapt to their needs and characteristics.

In fact, the program has several possibilities for fitting into the school schedule: from an elective to work on reading and writing, a linguistic and transversal project limited in time, or a curricular subject already started. It is also included in extracurricular activities, volunteering, etc.

Students and teachers can view, work on and evaluate all the materials in the teaching program from the Moodle e-learning platform.

The learning situations are structured by themes (with special attention to the SDGs), formats (text, video and podcast) and journalistic genres (news, opinion, interview, etc.). They can all be worked on in Catalan, Spanish and Basque, and they have a common denominator: current events.

For example, the programming includes working on the podcast format, with which the editors will be able to give their opinion on already assigned topics such as gender inequality in the environment, mental health, or sexual education, but also on free topics that that interest them, like the latest single from their favorite artist.

In addition, other journalistic genres will be worked on such as the interview, where the editors will have the opportunity to talk to different people so they can tell their stories; or the news, with which they will discover all the current events in their immediate environment.

The centers have the possibility of publishing the content worked on in their own digital school magazine, and can count on the support and tutoring of a professional journalist who, through different sessions, will encourage students to manage information, solve problems and to work on critical thinking.

The Digital School Magazine (RED) project, promoted by the youth newspaper Junior Report, is a network of school newspapers managed, directed and written by students with the support of professional journalists. Today, it has the participation of 100 educational centers and 5,000 students from all over Spain.

Since the RED project began in 2017, more than 4,500 articles signed by young people from different cities have been published.

The most notable articles from school magazines are published in Junior Report, whose purpose is to become a reference medium for young people to follow current events and, at the same time, a speaker for the opinions and experiences of students. Some of the best content can also be read on Lavanguardia.com, media partner of this educational and informative project, which gives students the opportunity to sign in a leading media.

For more information, consult the RED project website.